White Belt
I read a recent reply to an earlier post and decided to write about the effectiveness of Kata practice for streetfighting.....First of all, a good karate-ka goes to great lengths to avoid street fighting.... most are lovers, not fighters....I know I am. However, that does not mean that all those years, months if you are just beginning, are wasted....Years ago I heard of , Hidy Ochai, Sensei had a student who did not "believe" in the "traditional" techniques of karate-do and opted for full contact training instead, after and extended period of training and several full contact fights, the former student did the un-thinkable and challenged Ochai Sensei to a full contact match......In the early part of the challenge Ochai Sensei knocked the former student out with a "Traditional" Yoko Geri to the face........In my own experience, after practicing kata only for 10 years and competing in tournament after tournament in Kata and Kobudo only (doing well, placing in the top three in every competition) bare in mind, I practiced A LOT, with emphasis on kata precision, rythmn, bunkai oyo, henka waza.....I re-entered kumite competition and won USAKF National Championship 1993 ...International Kata Champion 1998 JKR, International Kumite Champion 1999, International Kobudo Champion 2000.
I firmly believe it was the Kata training that enabled myself the ability and effectiveness on the street.... Did tournament competition prepare or help in the encounters? (Sounds like a new thread)....They were "real" karate tournaments or maybe I should say, "Old Fashion" tournaments..... the kind where you hear the techniques and they hurt you by watching.....ALL the competitors were top notch and any one could have made it to Gold those days, I just happened to be on that day....check out my screen name and you see why....
I wonder why over 95% of all fights go to the ground? Most of my encounters didn't, one did, I was wearing dancing shoes and slipped, my opponent tried to capitolize on my mistake and receive a yokogeri (side kick) to the chest as he tried to punch me.... sent him backwards and allowed me to recover.....then Tatezuki to the cheeck and goodnight! Please understand, I regret the incidents very much and given the opportunity would have NOT proceeded in fighting.... however, the incidents taught me VERY valuable lessons in the effectiveness of "Traditional" training and techniques..... they saved my life!
ALL from Kata, Imagine that!!!!!!!!! And you thought it was only a dance....
I firmly believe it was the Kata training that enabled myself the ability and effectiveness on the street.... Did tournament competition prepare or help in the encounters? (Sounds like a new thread)....They were "real" karate tournaments or maybe I should say, "Old Fashion" tournaments..... the kind where you hear the techniques and they hurt you by watching.....ALL the competitors were top notch and any one could have made it to Gold those days, I just happened to be on that day....check out my screen name and you see why....
I wonder why over 95% of all fights go to the ground? Most of my encounters didn't, one did, I was wearing dancing shoes and slipped, my opponent tried to capitolize on my mistake and receive a yokogeri (side kick) to the chest as he tried to punch me.... sent him backwards and allowed me to recover.....then Tatezuki to the cheeck and goodnight! Please understand, I regret the incidents very much and given the opportunity would have NOT proceeded in fighting.... however, the incidents taught me VERY valuable lessons in the effectiveness of "Traditional" training and techniques..... they saved my life!
ALL from Kata, Imagine that!!!!!!!!! And you thought it was only a dance....