One thing to keep in mind - a lot of these questions kind of end up in the TATA category (too afraid to ask). Like you said, you'd be shocked to hear a higher up ask these questions.
When you learn something new as a green belt, you don't even know what you don't know. So you don't even ask questions, because you don't know where to begin. As you master that concept, the questions start coming. How to do it correctly, how to improve it, how to apply it. Some questions you don't ask because you don't think of them, and others you don't ask because you can't just ask 50 questions about a technique and expect to get any practice in. Some questions you put on hold, some you just forget about. As
@gpseymour said in the other thread, some concepts in forms exist to be extrapolated later, you're building the muscle memory now so you can focus on the new information later.
However, sometimes you get to a point where you think, "If I ask that question, people are going to say I should have asked it as a green belt." In fact, that's kind of what you said in this thread. So you get your black belt, and you're not quite sure of something, but you're thinking that you should have probably asked that at blue belt or red belt. And then you get to the point where you're way up there, and it's way too late. This is a TATA question. And it's what's happened with a few of the questions I bring up on here.