Karate GI newbie question


Yellow Belt
Hi there

Just started shotokan karate at the ripe old age of 51[emoji12], any recommendation for nice Gi
I have ordered 100% cotton 14ounce from Cimac. Japanese cut

I have no idea on this brand although I wanted to just see if that weight might feel too heavy...

Thanks [emoji120]

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Hi there

Just started shotokan karate at the ripe old age of 51[emoji12], any recommendation for nice Gi
I have ordered 100% cotton 14ounce from Cimac. Japanese cut

I have no idea on this brand although I wanted to just see if that weight might feel too heavy...

A gi is a personal thing really what one likes another will not and so forth

Quality does speak for itself in all things. That said not always is the most expensive the best ...it really a try and see after you train in it and have trained in it ...I know that not exactly what you wanted to hear but in all effect it is a personal choice

I am sure you will get the low down on that gi on here tho

Thanks [emoji120]

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Not heard of Cimac - My instructors always seem to recommend Blitz though. Weight probably won't feel heavy - seems to be pretty typical for 14oz.
Not heard of Cimac - My instructors always seem to recommend Blitz though. Weight probably won't feel heavy - seems to be pretty typical for 14oz.
Yes blitz is always popular, have you seen the senshei GI?? Very nice and very expensive [emoji13]

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Yes blitz is always popular, have you seen the senshei GI?? Very nice and very expensive [emoji13]

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I haven’t seen the Seishin gi, but several people on another forum I participate on own/owned it and thought it was very overpriced.

There are far better brands for far less money. I’m in a hurry, so I’ll respond more later.
Yes blitz is always popular, have you seen the senshei GI?? Very nice and very expensive [emoji13]

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I searched it after you mentioned it - There are so many for considerably lower prices which will also last 10 years +, I do not understand why someone would buy one at that price.
Also have to say shouldn't you have asked advice /before/ ordering one. Not much point asking for advice when you've already bought one lol, that's like me asking for opinions on a martial art club after paying the membership fee
Not really , just thought I would ask
Have I broken a martial arts law [emoji46]

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Not really , just thought I would ask
Have I broken a martial arts law [emoji46]
Nah, you're good. Never hurts to ask if you have a question. I bought many a gi when starting out, returned many too. Even if you like the one you ordered, it doesn't hurt to have choices.
Cheers :)
Its a really nice GI by the way - fairly heavy (140z) but I quite like the fit
Japanese cut - so short in the legs and arms

if its too heavy I might just get a lighter one- adidas or something similar
If you like it, just keep it. You can always get a lighter one. Having more than one allows you to rotate sets between washes and classes.

I have 2 sets of dobok that I’m rotating this way. One is in my bag for the day’s classes and the other is hanging to dry after being washed after classes.

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