Kalarippayattu Training in Kerela India!

Hi Java man,

I think i read one of your post before , in which you said you practiced KP under Gurukkal Sherif.And you said the central style Kp closely resembles the silat(dont know the specific style). I am not sure ,it was you. If so ,could you explain the similarity between Central Style and Silat please.And could you explain the specialities of Central KP. I know it's footwork is differant from the others and it contains more wrestling moves.If I'm wrong, please correct me.

Thank You
hello everyone,
apart from the historical and geographical differences in the origin and practice of the various styles(eg.northern or vadakkan) and substyles(eg.tulunadan) of kalaripayat,i feel that the striking gross difference between the northern and southern style(ref. to posts by sansoo and blackdiamondcobra) is that the northern is refined and elegant,no doubt with subtle secrets embedded all along,while the southern as rightly mentioned gives an essential glimpse into the significance of barehand exercises.each style is distinct and have their own unique techniques.
Hey all!

Awsome info here about Kalari!
im extremely interested in learning the ancient art
but im not sure how i can go about doing that can any one help?

BTW i live in australia

Hey all!

Awsome info here about Kalari!
im extremely interested in learning the ancient art
but im not sure how i can go about doing that can any one help?

BTW i live in australia


Well there are really not many Kalari's outside of Kerela. If you are interested in learning this art then I would suggest that you find a resort in Kerela that has a connection to CVN Kalarippayattu or another school and plan on going to India to train. That is probably your best course of action.

If you are really lucky you might be able to check around with some of the local South Indian groups in Australian and you might find a guro or a practitioner that you could train with. Good luck.
Check out this Kalari documentary ,the narration is in English


Kalaripayat introduction
Kalari Concept
Basic Training
Warrior Training

Body Control Training

Training to Fight

hope you all enjoy

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