Kajukenbo politics (Long)

These discussions, I know, can be maddening--everybody trots out their endless sets of facts and counterfacts, and there's no way to disentangle a damn thing with having all the documents and testimonies in front of you.

But one positive benefit--it's good to know that SOMEBODY in other martial arts is as silly as those of us in kenpo.

you are making a good progress. 7 more to go + everything you find from "reference" people.

we look forward to. Keep up the good work. Please share with us ALL.


good luck.
Originally posted by John Bishop
Matt, some of these people can be found on the web. Some may be found on the school listings at www.kajukenbo.org.
Email me a list of the ones you can't find and I'll see what I can do. If you approach these old timers respectfully, they will probably talk to you without a introduction. But keep a open mind, because you might not like what you hear from some of them. But you got to get all the pieces to make sense of the puzzle.
One of the non-Kajukenbo guys I can think of off the top of my head is Sol Kaihewalu. You can contact him thru his website www.olohe.com

Thank you - I only have moments here and there to work on this -work, family, teaching, training, maintaining my instructor's website, etc. take up most of my time. I will follow up on these, and I will show these folks respect. One of the reasons behind starting the thread was to provide the opportunity for some of the seniors who have been made to look foolish by some of the more absurd claims in the email to clear (or have cleared for them) their names.

"The Only Thing Neccessary for Evil to Prevail, is for Good Men to Do Nothing" Edmond Burke

That's why I'm digging into this.
Originally posted by CoolKempoDude

you are making a good progress. 7 more to go + everything you find from "reference" people.

we look forward to. Keep up the good work. Please share with us ALL.


good luck.

Thank you. I'm trying to start with logic, to weed out the stupid claims. After that, a dose of factual information from the references will go a long way, I'm sure.

This next quote seems easy to dismiss out of hand.

13. Kimo Admitted to Grandmaster Max Togisala that he gave Dechi Emperado money. Now believed to be $2000. This conversation took place at the Sahara Hotel in Las Vegas on July 11, 2003. In addition this was told to Tony Troche, Edmund Louis and Jamie Abregana. GM Ted Sotelo told Mike Young that he was promoting Kimo to Professor 8th degree as a favor for Dechi. Kimo was escorted out the Hawaii Martial Arts International Society Tournament at the Sahara Hotel, Las Vegas , on July 13, 2003. Ref: Max Togisala, Jamie Abregana and Gerry Scott.

There are so many wrong things implied by this, I'm going to have to make a list:
1.)This implies that Dechi Emperado takes bribes to promote people. I'm sure Sigung Bishop can confirm that this is not the case. Who would destroy Dechi's reputation just to sully Kimo's.

2.)On the Kajukenbo Cafe, Joe Solis, Sergeant at arms for Ted Sotelo stated, unequivocably that there was no fee for Kimo's promotion.

3.) This implies that Ted Sotelo hands out professorships as 'favors'

4.) hey, at $2,000 for a professorship, why don't I hold a bake sale and get myself one.

*True Item* Right after Kimo returned from the Vegas trip. He was a bit surprised that when he went to support the Hawaii Martial Arts International Society Tournament at the Sahara Hotel, Las Vegas , on July 13, 2003 he *was in fact* escorted out of the tournament immediately upon his entrance. When he asked why, he was told by the security that he was
specifically named by the promoter Jaime Abregana as unwelcome. He had no idea of this in advance, but left quietly as not to cause trouble. This is exactly what Kimo told me right after the trip, nearly four months ago, well before this email came out.
Like I said:
Originally posted by John Bishop
But keep a open mind, because you might not like what you hear from some of them. But you got to get all the pieces to make sense of the puzzle.

You've known Kimo for 2 years. Some of these Masters have known him for 30 years. Your 6000 miles away from his home, they live there 365 days a year.

Good or bad I hope you find your answers.

of course, do not forget to share with us what you find out from these *reference* people.

Good or Bad. we love to hear from you. You will share us the *truth* . It is important.

good luck . thank you
Originally posted by John Bishop
You've known Kimo for 2 years. Some of these Masters have known him for 30 years. Your 6000 miles away from his home, they live there 365 days a year.

Good or bad I hope you find your answers.

Now before anyone gets any funny ideas, I want to state for the record:

John Bishop is a knowledgeable and respected Kajukenbo practitioner. He's not being a wise-guy. I think he is however trying to make sure I don't drive myself off a cliff in a misguided attempt to dispell every rumor, even ones that might have merit.

I think he also understands that some times, I just have to find out for myself. Facts don't scare me.

I respect that, and him.

I also feel the need to mention as a disclosure, that I am a member of Kimo's organization (as an individual, not anyone with position, etc. )and that my promotion to 4th degree black belt was by him back in September. Take anything I may offer with that in mind, but I will attempt to stick to facts and logic to avoid possible bias.

Thank you,
No one thinks you are a bad guy. Hell curiousity killed the cat. I myself am in kaju and always asking questions. As Sigung Bishop stated, I think if you tread lightly and are extrtememly professional about it, you may get some of the old school guys to talk, then again you may not.

I appreciate the fact that you have remained tasteful in all of this.:asian:

how is your research ???? I hope we don't have to wait this *long* to know something about your professor;)

"justice delays, justice denies";)
Originally posted by CoolKempoDude

how is your research ???? I hope we don't have to wait this *long* to know something about your professor;)

"justice delays, justice denies";)

Thanks for your maintained interest.

I've begun some dialog with a few folks more senior than I, but don't really have much concrete info yet.

I've made a list of who to contact and what I'm going to ask, and am compiling the contact info.

I apologize for the slow progress, but, I can only work on this during free time like when my daughter (age 2 ) is napping.
This is also when I am not:
Working full time (plus),
Taking care of my two year old while my wife works full time.
Teaching at my friend's kempo school.
Teaching Tai Chi for the town next door.
Teaching Tai Chi privately.
Designing and maintaining two (soon three) websites for martial arts friends.
Even occasionally sleeping.

I promise, I am making progress, one nap at a time.

Originally posted by CoolKempoDude

how is your research ???? I hope we don't have to wait this *long* to know something about your professor;)

"justice delays, justice denies";)

I've gotten a response from Grand Master Bob Maschmeier. He is named (misspelled by the anonymous author) in item #7. GM Maschmeier was very gracious, and very forthright.

7. Recognized 7th degree in Kajukenbo by unknown author. Practitioners singed Kimo's certificate, Eric Lee, Ming Lum, Bob Mashmier, Kalani Briffin and Emil Bautista. Ref: Kimo

The mystery of the 'unknown author' of the recognition is solved:

Grand Master Bob Maschmeier.

I don't want to misstate his intentions, so I will quote him exactly word for word. In reference to the recognition:

I do not promote anyone who is not in my organization. I do recognize and
support those individuals that I find to be capable and respectful martial
artists. Kimo falls into the latter catagory.

Apparently this was a recognition, an honor, and the situation is pretty much exactly as stated in the email.

Originally posted by Matt
15. Kimo said derogatory remarks about the mayor of Honolulu at a dinner, celebrating Chinese's New Year. The governor and his wife were present also. Kimo was banned from participating in any Chinese New Year parade and/or any event. Ref: Mike Young, Tony Troche and Jamie Abregana

Funny story. I asked Kimo about this one, and He is absolutely sure he didn't say anything to the mayor. It was to the governor.

When he (the governor, a democrat)was making the rounds, glad-handing the crowd, Kimo said 'don't be coming to this table to shake hands, we're republicans.'

I guess that was the 'derogatory remarks'. Guillty as charged, except that the 'banned from chinese new year stuff' is a complete work of fiction. Kimo was invited, but declined to participate in this year's parade.

If whoever contributed this little gem was paying attention, I think that annoying a governor is much more of an attention grabber than annoying a mayor.


keep up the good work and let us know what you find out. Make sure you don't skip the rest of questions;)
Originally posted by Matt
Guillty as charged, except that the 'banned from chinese new year stuff' is a complete work of fiction. Kimo was invited, but declined to participate in this year's parade.

The above comment related to last year's event. (jan 2003)

In my hand (Well, actually in front of me on my desk. If it was in my hand, I'd have trouble typing...) I have a faxed copy of the letter from Paul Chun, Entertainment Coordinator for the annual "Night in Chinatown" Festival and Parade, to Kimo, dated November 18, 2003. This is an invitation to participate, complete with the forms necessary.

I may post this up on the web. I have to get my scanner working again.

Originally posted by Matt

I may post this up on the web. I have to get my scanner working again.


if you or your friend have digital camera, you can use that and transfer the picture to PC.

what is wrong with your scanner ???
Originally posted by CoolKempoDude
if you or your friend have digital camera, you can use that and transfer the picture to PC.

what is wrong with your scanner ???

Nice call on the camera.


It's not the most exciting of pictures, but it gets the point across.
I updated my system software, and my scanner fell victim. I have to perform a little 'driver reinstall' magic.

First of all, I want to say that I and hopefully most people who saw that letter recognized it for the fraud that it is. I have never met Professor Kimo and thus my statements do not reflect a bias in favor of him. If anything, being a fellow member of Professor Walter Godin's family tree might make me scrutinize his actions more than I would someone elses.
From what I heard about Professor Kimo from many people, he is a decent person and highly-skilled martial artist. In my humble opinion, he does a great job of helping to represent Professor Godin's legacy. Last but not least, he must be a great person to have someone like you standing up for him. You have worked hard to clear his name and I respect that a lot. I hope none of us have to personally suffer a similar smear campaign but if we do, it would be great to have someone like you to protect our backs.
Respectfully, Andrew
Originally posted by Andrew Evans
First of all, I want to say that I and hopefully most people who saw that letter recognized it for the fraud that it is. I have never met Professor Kimo and thus my statements do not reflect a bias in favor of him. If anything, being a fellow member of Professor Walter Godin's family tree might make me scrutinize his actions more than I would someone elses.
From what I heard about Professor Kimo from many people, he is a decent person and highly-skilled martial artist. In my humble opinion, he does a great job of helping to represent Professor Godin's legacy. Last but not least, he must be a great person to have someone like you standing up for him. You have worked hard to clear his name and I respect that a lot. I hope none of us have to personally suffer a similar smear campaign but if we do, it would be great to have someone like you to protect our backs.
Respectfully, Andrew

Thank you for the kind words. I think this thing has come to a close. I Spoke to John James of the Nick Cerio's Kenpo board, and as this affected him (He's hosted Kimo a few times in the past), he looked into it as well. He contacted just about everbody on the list, with the exception of Gerry Scott, Tony Troche, and Ed Louis. All said essentially that this letter was crap.

Today was the Kajukenbo Christmas party on Hawaii, and Kimo had a chance to talk to all three of them(Gerry Scott, Tony Troche, and Ed Louis), and they essentially said that they had no knowledge of this letter. Ed Louis seemed particularly concerned with garbage like this being associated with him, as he felt it was bad for the martial arts.

As for watching people's backs - it seemed to be the right thing to do. I've worked with Kimo for a couple of years, and the letter did not match in any way the Kimo I knew. As for your back, Mr. Evans, I'll keep an eye out.:)

On an unrelated note, keep Sijo Emperado in your thoughts, as he missed the party today due to being admitted to the Hospital:(

Matt Barnes
I was talking to a freind that I work with whom lived in Hawaii and he told me "Kimo" won a political office but was unable to assume the position because he had been arrested for driving his car on the runway at the airport when he was younger. Is this true?
Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
I was talking to a freind that I work with whom lived in Hawaii and he told me "Kimo" won a political office but was unable to assume the position because he had been arrested for driving his car on the runway at the airport when he was younger. Is this true?

Kimo Ferreira has never run for or been elected to a political office. He has not to his recollection ever been arrested for driving a car on a runway either.

By the way - is it the right Kimo your friend is thinking about? There's a few (thousand) Kimos in Hawaii.


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