Blue Belt
Just adding some peaceful thoughts...We all pretty much agree the Chang Heon Patterns (Hyung, Tul, Poomse) were formalized within the Oh Do Kwan. We also know Gen. Choi, and Col. Nam were training soldiers in Tang Soo Do prior to the initial finalization. The first finalization appeared in text to include 20 Hyung and Shorin- Shorei Kata (reference "Taekwon-Do, the Art of Self-Defence", Daeha Publication Company 1968, pg 216-pg 239).General Choi also changed things along the way. In addition to adding and removing "hyong" (word later changed to tul) he altered his preference for individual motions. This took place until when, probably the mid-late 80's. By then many of the original masters of Taekwon-Do had gone their own way including GGM Nam, Tae-Hi. Certainly, we can argue semantics, but I believe it is crazy to say that GGM Nam is doing anything incorrectly. GM Park, Jung Soo is another example or the variety in the generations of Chang Heon Taekwon-Do.I am glad that I have moved away from my previous elitist disposition, and become more accepting and rational concerning my thoughts. For decades there has been the argument between Kukki & Chang Heon TKD, now we have expanded to include arguments between Chang Heon Taekwondo and I.T.F. Taekwondo.Is it fare to say that all I.T.F. Taekwon-Do is Chang Heon, but not all Chang Heon Taekwondo is I.T.F.I believe these nuances are barriers serving to separate us rather than unite us....was UNITY not the General's intent?
Spooky I do believe you are right. Chang hon patterns may have been started with a few people and if the Choi changed and added sinewave but others didn't dont mean they are wrong. Just a lil different. Understanding the differences and understanding the application is important. But respect is as well as important.