Just saw Tom Yum Koong in Thailand

Damian Mavis

Master Black Belt
Hey everyone, I recently watched the new Tony Jaa action movie here in Thailand. Some of you might know his first movie ONG BAK. Anyway I had a small fight scene with Tony Jaa in his new movie, actually started out small but with editing became tiny heh. The movie has great action and uses a good mix of martial arts: muay thai, Tae kwon do, hapkido, jujitsu. Although the Thais and Tony will say it is all Muay thai....... it is not but he is exemely skilled at everything he does. The best part is what made his first movie look so good, full contact choreography. Nothing looks better on film for action than real impact, all the hits look solid and painful.

Some of the highlights were a fight scene between Lateef and Tony Jaa, Lateef is a highly skilled capoeira expert and pro gymnast, his scenes great. Another great fight scene is with John Foo, hes a wushu expert and he does a wushu sword scene with Tony that looks very dynamic.

Anyway, awesome action movie, not big on strong story but insane great action. Hopefully will be released in North America this year.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

I read about this film in Combat magazine! Will it be out in England anytime soon, do you know? BUtI know the new Jet Li film is out very soon and I can't wait to see it!
Aaarrrgh! I still haven't seen ONG BAK.

Anybody know if it is available on DVD in the states yet? As in actaully available, not ordering it from Hong Kong over the internet?