Just out of curiosity

Bester said:
Such a very Machiavellian topic I think.
Hey! No words with more than four syllables are allowed. :whip:
Bob Hubbard said:
I cast Magic Missile. :)
I have the initiative so I invoke Shield. I then use my Quicken Spell feat to cast Antimagic Field.

Fortunately for me I also have levels as a monk so I proceed to beat the crap out of everybody with my whirlwind attack.
FearlessFreep said:
Hey! No words with more than four syllables are allowe

.... brain ... owie .....
*whips out +5 vorpal flame tongue frost brand holy avenger of troll slaying*

*uses jedi powers to shield mind*

*relaxes body with prana bindu bene jesurit mind training*

"Wait until you see my character sheet!"
Navarre said:
I have the initiative so I invoke Shield. I then use my Quicken Spell feat to cast Antimagic Field.

Fortunately for me I also have levels as a monk so I proceed to beat the crap out of everybody with my whirlwind attack.
I use a potion of flatulence to aid in the casting of 'BubbaRays Cloud of Confusion'.

gawd ... this has turned into a D & D thread ... I'm outta here ....
You win, kyosa! Your character sounds like half the ppl who play out there: Two lines of character history development and 5 pages of stats! lol

*My monk opens a McDojo and sells kid-size training bags, complete with instructional video.*
Bester said:
Such a very Machiavellian topic I think.
There are probably quite a few Byzantine machinations in play....
arnisador said:
I'm not sure he can count that high. Let him stick with 3.


By the way, the one Western practitioner may well be a very well-known and well-respected knife authority whom I have up-repped frequently because of his off-board reputation. In this case, he merits the high rep. in my opinion. I imagine this also is what happened in the case of the leader of the Modern Arnis group that you mentioned.

Well this is my favorite question:

Please tell me how much this is that I count up?

1, 2, 3, More than three,
1, 2, 3, More than three,
1, 2, 3, More than three,
1, 2, 3, More than three,
More than three
arnisador said:
I've been out of D&D for too long to be able to compete with all this!
I can still figure out THAC0 in my head....

*polishes his pureblooded geek badge*

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