Just out of curiosity

There's a couple handfuls of us now with loads of reputation, most of which are prolific posters who pass points out like candy. I'm sure that has something to do with it.
rutherford said:

It's funny that the 5 folks I saw who had 5 blocks of rep and less that 100 posts all study Arnis. Funny, but perfectly understandable.

If anybody gets bent about this, I'll personally drag them behind the woodshed. %-}
Good point. I always try to welcome a Master (of any art, although lately we've had a number of Arnisadors) who visits this board with a welcome through Rep. function. It keeps me from starting thread drift and allows me to say hello and welcome. I think that I'm not alone in this. To me the rep. function is a fun part of MT because of the startlingly orignal titles like "Splendid one to Behold", etc. The only time I take it seriously is when someone has more than two or three red dots. That usually, but not always, means WATCH OUT, fraud or troll.

TGACE's point is well taken, though. Sometimes I pass over exceptionally well written posts in order to send a message to another member (whose post I like as well). Also, when a member posts good news (new job, relative located, BB promotion, etc.), I like to let them know I'm happy for them. Also, if I see some steady maturing of a low rep. MT member, I add whenever one of their posts is acceptable - a few who started out bad have grown up some and their past actions (posts) are largely behind them. I rarely use the Neg. Rep. function - a person has to really, really .... for me to do that.

Postscript: the other thing is that I often favor MT women because I know from experience how difficult it can sometimes be in the MA field for them. I remember in the early 1980's in TKD how many guys who failed to break their boards were given an "extra" chance, whereas the females rarely, if ever, were. Also, many guys, unfortunately, want to "show up" a women they find out is studying martial arts. Ticks me off, so extra rep. to those who had to put up with that crap is my payback. On a second note, 20 years ago I had a young woman classmate in my college Judo class (white belt) who, with no previous experience, could throw me around (brown belt) by the end of term.
Wow! I just read Bob's "Reputation Questions" FAQ post and had flashbacks to my D&D days thinking about hit points and the like...
The only problem I have with the system is the limit of how quickly you can give someone rate someone. I tend to enjoy a few peoples threads, and accordingly tend to try and give them good ratings. The bad thing is about half the time I'm being told to "spread it around". I understand you don't want two people to just pass ratings back and forth, but its a little on the annoying side when you just honestly like someones posts... I guess there is no easy fix to this though :)

Bob Hubbard said:
There is actually an addin that will do hitpoints.
So that someone could be eliminated!?!

Now that's a Darwinian webboard! Who gets voted off the server?
Hit points would make dealing with trolls more fun...

No because..trust me...*they* keep re-rolling new characters. OK , granted maybe not more effective..but you're right that it could be more fun.

So where's my +4 Scroll Of Troll Tromp?
rutherford said:

It's funny that the 5 folks I saw who had 5 blocks of rep and less that 100 posts all study Arnis. Funny, but perfectly understandable.

If anybody gets bent about this, I'll personally drag them behind the woodshed. %-}

I am looking for that visit to the wood shed please ;)

Ok what I counted roughly being interrupted a couple of times.

Criteria for the count, less than 300 posts and greater than three bars of green for reputation.

5 Disctinct Modern Arnis - Plus one Leader of Modern Arnis group who also does other things as well. (6)

4 Distinct Ninjutsu

3 Multiple not including the one above. (* Somoe of these also studied dome form of FMA or Silat or Ninjutsu *)

2 Jujitu (* Different Families *)

2 with nothing listed (* Post a lot in the Study and elsewhere *)

1 Systema


1 Western

1 Non Modern Arnis FMA

I think some of it is friends. I think some of it just people who give out Rep to people so they can then pass it along to other people as well.


Now when the rep system was rolled out I went through the old FMA and Modern Arnis posts and gave out rep at that time. So, some of those who have been around a while and posted content got multiple reps from me when the system was rolled out. I do not do this anymore. I very seldom use the rep portion of this board, other than maybe as a friendly message.

I do like to receive the negative rep and feedback to understand why people disagree. No hard feelings, just trying to learn.


So, where is my trip to the wood shed? ;) :D
Tgace said:
Hows about greater than 5?
I'm not sure he can count that high. Let him stick with 3.


By the way, the one Western practitioner may well be a very well-known and well-respected knife authority whom I have up-repped frequently because of his off-board reputation. In this case, he merits the high rep. in my opinion. I imagine this also is what happened in the case of the leader of the Modern Arnis group that you mentioned.
The rep doesn't bother me. It just says alot about the character of those whining about it or playing games with it. I rarely get dinged, and when I do, it's usually from the person I'm refering to or their friends.

As to the hitpoint addin, might be fun, but how many headaches will it cause when someone loses their "wand of excessive kavetching"? :D

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