just got my orange belt!

Thanks, everyone! As for the test..... One pinion, crane,1st overhead,6 and 7 combination,1st side club,various blocks,kicks,punches,100 consecutive pushups(my arms don't even hurt curiously enough. I must be building them up good)we did some grappling. I know I'm forgetting things. We're getting a blizzard,it's already snowing. We're expecting 1-2 feet and I have to scrape the car off to go to work. later.
my old school could wear black gi after purple belt, maninly because lots of women complained about having to wear white.

new school is black gi after brown belt. I wear a yellow belt, but hold a brown belt, so I can still wear black gi if I want to, and I do, just because I don't want to buy another gi.

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