New Orange Belt


2nd Black Belt
So, I went to class yesterday and I was just going over my Orange belt techniques. I was supposed to test for Orange at the end of the month. The day before I worked all of my techniques 3-4 passes all in order. I also worked on Form 1 4-5 times. So, last night as I was reviewing the techniques, my instructor wants to see me perform my form and techniques. I thought I was reviewing and he wanted to see where I was at. After I did all the techniques and sets as well as the form, he walks up to me and says congrats, you made Orange belt. I was like WOW! I was being tested and not know it! He said that I was a lot further than he thought and it showed. If I did not practice everything the day before, I do not think I would of passed. Good thing I did.
great work on preparing yourself for the teat you thought was coming up. I am happy to hear you did so well on the surprise test, it shows you know your material and where ready.
Keep up the good work
Congrats and what a wonderful job you did by preparing to the extreme.
I was gonna suggest that just keeping up with the material consistently so that you are always comfortable with it is the best way to go, rather than cramming the night before for a test. If you can't execute the material at any given time, without having to stop and think about it, then you haven't really learned it and internalized it.

But then I checked your Profile. I suspect your Kajukenbo 2nd Dan gives you a big advantage in picking up the kenpo, so my suggestion probably isn't necessary.
But then I checked your Profile. I suspect your Kajukenbo 2nd Dan gives you a big advantage in picking up the kenpo, so my suggestion probably isn't necessary.

Yeah, it does help with prior experience, but it is also has it's disadvantages too.

I was gonna suggest that just keeping up with the material consistently so that you are always comfortable with it is the best way to go, rather than cramming the night before for a test. If you can't execute the material at any given time, without having to stop and think about it, then you haven't really learned it and internalized it.

I agree with you 100%. I was not cramming since I didnt know I will be testing the next day. I was trying to get the sequences down as well as the concepts that they carry. My test was scheduled for the last Tuesday of this month. I was trying to make the techniques go more smoothly instead of being sloppy. Accuracy over speed is my motto. With time comes speed. Thank you for your suggestion.

Thank you all for the words of encouragement.
That is awesome. You were doing the right thing and it showed. Prepare, prepare, prepare. By the way I have my green belt in Tae Kwon Do coming soon. July 12th. I am like you. I know what is to be on the test so I want to do well on it. Prepare, prepare, prepare. It is funny, my friend and his son go to a different tkd school. He was telling me a story very similiar to yours, he said his teacher took him off to the side went through stuff with him, left and came back with a green belt in his hand.

My pal says "So I looked at him and asked what it was for." He said his teacher, 4th dan, went to call the 5th dan and got clearance to promote him before the scheduled test.

So, to the instructors that read these forums: "How often if ever do you test a student in class without them knowing it?". I have an upper brown in Judo so I know when you teach class you are always testing. The question really is how often do you spot test then promote that person on the spot?

So, congrats are in order for you. Very good job, very good job indeed.
I used to promote in class and not run tests at all. I believe like Flying Crane that the students should know the material and be able to perform at any moment. Plus it was fun to surprise the students with a new rank. But when I closed my school and started teaching at the YMCA I decided that even though I liked that type of promotion, there is still something to be said for scheduling a "test" and seeing how the student can perform under pressure. I don't invite a student to a test unless I know they are going to pass it anyway, but it is fun to get them nervous and see what they can remember on the spot
You would have passed. A test is much more than just doing the movements and techniques and forms.




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