

No problem. I can understand taking things a bit too seriously. Not like I haven't done that before. :)

Actually much of the things that we take for granted I cannot do anymore because of the hip. Basically I was diagnosed with advanced osteoarthritis of the hip. The doctor basically said that I have the hip of a 70 year old man, and the only thing they could do for me was a total hip replacement. Considering that at the time I was not even forty, and was always a very active athelete and martial artist, being told that my "career" was over was pretty tough. Since 40 is a bit young for a hip replacement (it wears out in about ten years and would have to be done again), my goal of to try and take care of it and try to last another 10 years with the original equipment.

You never realize how much of your hips are an important part of your martial arts training until you can't use them the same way anymore, or not without a considerable amount of pain. I used to do the splits, now I cannot even bring my left leg upward past 90 degrees. I can still put my palms on the floor, but it hurts like heck. Just teaching class with a lot of tai sabaki leaves me with a serious limp for a day or so after class. So as much as I would LOVE to train in BJJ, those days are a bit past. On the other hand, I do plan on bringing in a BJJ friend to teach some clinics at my dojo for my students. At least I recognize my limitations and I am determined to not let it hurt my students. Not to mention, I realize who the "real" newaza experts are! :)

Good luck in your training!
Apparently you are having difficulties dealing with the differences in an "ART" vs a "SCHOOL".

Difficulties of what, Robert? Seeing your point of view though rather small and....well....self-adjusted? I train in koryu jujutsu as well as koryu kobudo. Unfortunately your "authoritative attitude" seems to be scraping the bottom of the barrel to back your opinions and views. That must really be a downer...

Be careful, man...that high horse is a long way to the ground. Better work on that ukemi.

Since you did not bring up this point in your first reply however, I can only assume that by mentioning it, it was intended as a "dig".

No...the above was a dig. Please pay attention.

Normally when someone is losing an argument, the tactic of personal attack is a good diversion. So that brings me to the first point...

What arguement is there exactly...maybe I'm a bit lost in the whole scheme of your expertise...but I don't recall you and I arguing. I recall you and I giving our opinions on things. Is typing on a board really that confrontational?

Obviously it has worked for you, since you managed to make your posts into the correct forum.

Especially since I moderate it.

Be well, Robert.
Jay, you are right, we are not arguing. We are two experienced individuals, with strong personal opinions that are voicing our opinions. I apologize for taking this as a confrontation and implying that you are either uninformed or misguided. You are entitled to you opinion, just as I am. I respect you and your opinion, I just do not share it.

It is apparent at this stage that it is unlikely that we will be changing each others opinion. We have both managed to dig our heels in and we are both firm on our stance. Therefore, rather than let this continue to go back and forth, and continue to slide into "unfriendly" discussion (thus violating Kaith's charter for this BB), I am going to let this debate drop. Again, you are entitled to your opinion and so am I. We will just have to agree to disagree.

BTW, you may have moderation priveledges, however, if you note above you are not listed as a moderator for this forum. It currently shows:

"(Moderated by: arnisador, Cthulhu, Kaith Rustaz, Renegade)"

So you might want to ask Kaith to add you to the moderators list for this forum.

Best O' Luck...
I think the ref is to another forum. All our mods are listed. :confused: Unless someone got promoted and I didnt tell me? (That happens sometimes. Too many days as Uki.) ;)
Lol ya Jay he has a little "authoritative attitude" lol check out the usjjf posts. But I have to say one thing at least he stands up for his organization and he served his country.
Yes I guess I should have put a comma in. I was speaking to you not about you lol

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