Jujitsu question

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
I am not looking for a school, I am just curious. I have been looking at what MA schools are in my area and I came across one I have not seen before and I was wondering if anyone can tell me about this style of Jujitsu.

What is Taido Ryu Jujitsu?

I know of several Japanese schools of Jujitsu, I use to train Jujitsu (however I do not know which style) I looked up the Japanese styles and came up with these

Hontai Yoshin Ryu
Araki Ryu Kogusoku
Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu
Katabami Ryu Ju-Jitsu
Koppo Ryu
Takenouchi Ryu
Saigo Ryu Aiki Jujutsu
Sekiguchi Shinshin Ryu
Shin No Shindo Ryu
Takeuchi Ryu
Tatsumi Ryu
Yagyu Shingan Ryu
Yoshin Ryu

But I do not see nor have I heard of Taido Ryu.

Any information?

Look at this site http://www.taidoryu.com/ may be you'll find something.

In fact many Martial arts using the word "taido" exist.
Tai-do created in the 70's from karate, jujutsu and aikido by the french R.Cassol.
Shintaido (新体道) created in part from Shotokai karate by Hiroyuki Aoki in 1965.
Taido (躰道) created from okinawan Karate by Seiken Shukumine in 1965.
Another one (太道) created from Shorinji-kenpo.
I think you will likely get decent training here. It depends on what you are looking for.
In looking at the web site, it looks like a modern form of Jujutsu based on Judo with a Brazilian influence. I would say that it is not a Japanese style, but developed here in the U.S.

I'm not saying anything bad about the school or style. Go check it out and see.

Incidentally, atleast 1 of the styles in your list is not Japanese. I would also suspect that Ronin Ryu is not a Japanese style.
KOROHO said:
I think you will likely get decent training here. It depends on what you are looking for.
In looking at the web site, it looks like a modern form of Jujutsu based on Judo with a Brazilian influence. I would say that it is not a Japanese style, but developed here in the U.S.

I'm not saying anything bad about the school or style. Go check it out and see.

Incidentally, atleast 1 of the styles in your list is not Japanese. I would also suspect that Ronin Ryu is not a Japanese style.

Thank You

And where did Ronin Ryu come from?

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