JU-Jitsu vs. Boxing and Wrestling

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OK ... no point in writing to you hothead. By the way i have Boxed at Army level. you need to relax stud ;)
Yeah, I know. You got into a bunch of knife fights and all that other stuff too. If it relates to fighting, you've done it. Sure, you only did kosen judo... but when you need credibility on something else, you've done that art too. Truth is, I don't think many people here buy any of your BS. You're likely either child, or middle aged guy with the same issues as those that get outted for Stolen Valor.

Oh, and you were in the Army too. Hmmm....
I'm guessing you're retired Sergeant Major or General? You have an MOH and/or Cross? Ranger and Special Forces tabs? All that? 😂
no i was a British soldier but funny you should mention Rangers. Did you know the British army is forming a Ranger Regiment too?
I served in the Royal artillery & Royal corps of signals. 1985-1994.
No i was not special forces but i did meet 264 SAS Signals, 22 SAS guys.
I do not pretend to be something i´m not. never said i was a hero. I do however take offence to being called stolen valour.
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