Joyous consternation -- for all you coaches.


Senior Master
Ok, I had an interesting expereince last night during sparring. Actully, I've had this experience before and tought it might make for n interesting discussion.

Anyway, I'm old (at least in competition terms). I'm big (by any measure). fast for my size, an OK fighter (not bad, certainly not great).

i was put in a group with several of my teenage competition team members, inclusing my son, the head coahc's son and another 16 y.o. former national champ. these kids are really good.

As one of their coach's I've had a hand in seeing that they are pretty good.

in the past, when we sparred, my size, strength and expereince pretty much kept them at bay. Now, not so much. Over and over, I was in the ring, I knew EXACTLY what they wer abotu to do...Hell, i taught them how to do it...but, I'll be damned if I could actually stop them.

These kids picked me apart six ways form Sunday.

It was the oddest combination of Joy and Happiness (they were doing what we taught them, and doing it well) and Frustraiont (it's not fun getting beat up by a kid).

Tell me guys...have ya been there? We could probably start a club.


I have been there, you know exactly what they are going to do and when and you still can't do a thing about it. Isn't old age wonderful. It's still a good feeling to see someone you coached perform well even if you are on the receiving end.
There's a fourteen year old second pum that I have personally coached to fight tall guys. Now he makes me work for it. Lots of fun sparring with him. Last time we sparred, I complimented him. He said, "you taught me." That was a great moment.

That is why I don't spar any of my advanced students that compete anymore. I stopped when I knew they could beat me, so I never let them have that chance.

I will still demonstrate against them. When I see a bad setup or an opportunity that was not taken I will stop any sparring and then ask the student to do that exact same setup or move with me, and wham make them pay. This way they still know that I can see it and I do know what to do. It keeps them grounded, plus I still get some satisfaction about my own skills and they still keep me in the highest regards in terms of what they think of my fighting skills at an advanced age. Keeps them honest.

I know I can't go a full match with any of them, and they know it two, but they still have that doubt in the back of their heads telling them that old coach can still KO them if he had to.

I still go a few rounds every now and then with some of the average or non competing students. But those matches are just to keep the old bones moving.
I do not and will not spar any of competition team, they are to fast and I have tought them how to fight. I would be like a fish out of water.
Yep, I'm livin' that one too.

I've always liked the old saying "Youth and skill are no match for old age and treachery," but the rules of the ring cancel out our hard-earned advantages.

Yep, I'm livin' that one too.

I've always liked the old saying "Youth and skill are no match for old age and treachery," but the rules of the ring cancel out our hard-earned advantages.


Yep, and it is even worse when you are old and short!

Good to see you Saturday Carl!