Gasshuku complete!!! Such an amazing weekend and experience... and feel my karate has deepened and been so enriched by the process. Walked away with so much. Made many friendships and connections and shared a really special time with likeminded folks
The theme of the camp was bunkai vs kumite, but we covered all sorts of things from fundamentals, ju/soft sensitivity training drills, kata/bunkai, hip training drills, different cutting blocks, breakfalls, and a different form of kumite, but my favourite highlights were:
- Learning kata Rokkishu (precursor to Tensho)
- Octopus hands sensitivity drill
- After a big day of training on Saturday, a few of us head down to the beach and HURLED ourselves into the ocean. Sooo refreshing and fun
- Deep zen chats

- The Saturday night, when everyone had gone to sleep, I was stretching in the training hall, and some of the guys came in to just practice kata together. I joined in for some (including some Ba Gua too) and it was such a special night I won't forget, really enjoyed that time
It wasn't as physically intense as last year's camp, but far out today... I am toast

. Incredibly sore head to toe, exhausted, so today was just filled to the brim with nothing. Very much loved it