Journey to a new style...

Sounds like a great start at that school. Have fun, and don't beat up all the 12-year-olds.
Well well well! I couldn't make it to the Monday class as yet anoooother throat infection thingo.... but I was all better for today and I went to class tonight!

Went really good, and I enjoyed it muchly! Was about an hour and a half of training (has been ages since I've done that length!), and was quite hard work! So it's a Shotokan club, and they're quite big on technique, power, working hard, fitness and endurance.

Were about 7 of us training, the instructor is a really nice guy, and stopped us a few times with a few stories, loved that haha. It was actually really relaxed, and we had a few breaks where we just chatted casually, it was such a nice way to break it up. And all the members were incredibly friendly and all got along very well. Was a nice balance of being pushed hard, and it being relaxed and enjoying each other's company.

The sort of things we did (I've written down after all the classes I've been trialling what we did):

Warmup running, sprints, plank, situps etc
Mirrored basics with partner (punches, blocks, block punch punch)
Moving zenkutsu dachi, punches, blocks, combos
Kokutsu dachi and shuto uke
Zenkutsu dachi gedan barai and punch, hip pivot to open side block punch, and back
Talked about kiais
Grading combos (moving in kokutsu dachi shuto uke, grab, shuto ganmen uchi other hand. Hikite in fist)
Paused staged kicks
Circuits of alternating kata and bagwork (different bag stations: any light kicks, shin kicks, headlevel punches, uppercuts and knees)

I will be sooooooooooore the next few days haha.. haven't trained that hard in quite awhile and I had two moments where I knew I'd been pushed to 'that place'. I think you what I mean ;). Peripheral vision gets fuzzy, either gonna pass out or throw up haha, and you know to back off slightly and breathe deeply. But those staged kicks really got things burning!

But I genuinely just felt comfortable being there. Was a nice atmosphere and energy, people were great (almost too casual, was surprised when I heard a couple of people swearing whilst chatting during training, never was that allowed in our dojo back in the day! Haha..), and a nice balance of training darn hard, still with discipline and usual formalities of terminology and bowing, and a casual relaxed atmosphere.

And also just that I really enjoyed training with people again that may be a big part of it. I also didn't get any cultish vibes from this place haha so that's always positive [emoji1787]. Will see how it pans out over the next few weeks, only concerns are the intensity of training for me physically, what it's emphasis is and whether it's more broad than deep, and whether it has that something I'm looking for in a dojo. And just still need to relax more during training but that will come.

Looking forward to next week :)
Last night's training was good fun. It was a muuuch more toned down and easier class, as alot of people had grading the previous day. Much more slower paced!

Did some leg conditioning, kata practice (really like the Shotokan version of the Pinan/Heian kata compared to the versions I know), senior grades worked on the Naihanchi kata.

Then did bagwork, worked primarily on specific kicks, step up side kick, round kicks, hook kicks. I thought it was very honest of the instructor when he said hook kicks (high ones) are primarily for tournaments and sparring, and he wouldn't use them for self defense. Respected that he didn't pretend they were a good option for self defense :)

Then did some partner work, and working on counters to high kicks, getting the timing right of as soon as the kick starts, to move in/off to the side and counter.

This school does low/thigh kicks too! How progressive! XD

I also asked about the contact level of their sparring, it's light controlled contact. So padded up, light to the head, and a bit sharper to the body. Am glad it isn't completely noncontact. And it was always down to the agreed upon level of contact between the two people involved. Glad he said that, that the option to go harder is there if you want.

And if you're going far too hard, the opponent will give it back just as hard. A respect thing ;)

Seems like a really respectful group
A really different class tonight! We worked solely on breakfalls and osoto gari for the whole time! Which was good, as I'd had tremendous and constant pelvic pain for most of the day and wasn't sure if I could make it, so this was much more slow paced and pelvic friendly.

Breakfalls were falling backwards, to the side, even learning proper forward rolls.

Osoto gari I'd never really worked on a great deal, so was cool to refresh. Did it in response to certain attacks and in a defensive manner and then worked it in an offensive way. Mine certainly need aLOT of work haha, I managed to get it working, but sometimes my balance was compromised or I was leaning over too much etc.

Even at one stage worked on once sweeping them moving into an arm bar, totally new to me haha.

Trips, sweeps, locks and throws etc aren't really of much interest to me, but it's always cool to do every now and then, enjoyed the night :)
congrats on the journey!! Please keep us updated as much as you can! Stretch before and after and protect your face and head! Kyokushin if i spelled that right is hardcore especially but i wish you the best of luck! And make hot tubs your best friend.

By the way shameless promoting but spread the word to everyone you know in illinois!:
Professor K’s Fight Finishing School - Woodridge, IL
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congrats on the journey!! Please keep us updated as much as you can! Stretch before and after and protect your face and head! Kyokushin if i spelled that right is hardcore especially but i wish you the best of luck! And make hot tubs your best friend.

By the way shameless promoting but spread the word to everyone you know in illinois!:
Professor K’s Fight Finishing School - Woodridge, IL
... thanks for the kind words!

Well, being in Australia, it's not likely I'll know anyone around those parts. Probably should have checked my location, but good to know!
Well, that's the end of my trial with the Shotokan dojo!

Tonight was a hard class! We did alot of circuit work, spread between different categories: lower body, agility, upper body, bagwork and core exercises. VERY tough, had to summon my spirit of 'Osu' quite intensely ;).

Then we worked on sparring which I was glad we did! So first a few sparring drills with footwork, closing distance, working the jab, jab reverse, to a one legged punch, and adding a sweep and attack. Also worked on switching our stance to close the gap, to a thigh kick. Love some good thigh kick conditioning.. All very fun!

And then we finished off with free sparring! There were only three of us training, so we just tagged each other in, there was a white belt and a 2nd kyu. Was fun to be sparring again, and nice that we still had contact, but not knockout or over the top.

Was funny at the start of class, as I was warming up running around the dojo, I rolled my ankle and fell! Yep, the same ankle I injured badly a year ago! Had a moment of concern, but I did the class okay. It is actually a bit sore at the moment, but I don't think I've re-torn the ligament or anything... Iced it a bit and will see how it pulls up tomorrow.

Trained for almost three weeks with them, and I thoroughly enjoyed the training, the instructor, the atmosphere, approach and people. Just the intense physical training I don't know if I can handle at this stage... and also whether that's something I want. It was good how not every single session was like that though. But I'll only know if I can handle it by doing it hey.

Absolutely will consider this place, but the start of next year I will try a Goju ryu dojo which is still a drive but isn't as far.

Thanks everyone for all your support, kind words, encouragement and even just keeping watch over this year, it means the world!
Well, that's the end of my trial with the Shotokan dojo!

Tonight was a hard class! We did alot of circuit work, spread between different categories: lower body, agility, upper body, bagwork and core exercises. VERY tough, had to summon my spirit of 'Osu' quite intensely ;).

Then we worked on sparring which I was glad we did! So first a few sparring drills with footwork, closing distance, working the jab, jab reverse, to a one legged punch, and adding a sweep and attack. Also worked on switching our stance to close the gap, to a thigh kick. Love some good thigh kick conditioning.. All very fun!

And then we finished off with free sparring! There were only three of us training, so we just tagged each other in, there was a white belt and a 2nd kyu. Was fun to be sparring again, and nice that we still had contact, but not knockout or over the top.

Was funny at the start of class, as I was warming up running around the dojo, I rolled my ankle and fell! Yep, the same ankle I injured badly a year ago! Had a moment of concern, but I did the class okay. It is actually a bit sore at the moment, but I don't think I've re-torn the ligament or anything... Iced it a bit and will see how it pulls up tomorrow.

Trained for almost three weeks with them, and I thoroughly enjoyed the training, the instructor, the atmosphere, approach and people. Just the intense physical training I don't know if I can handle at this stage... and also whether that's something I want. It was good how not every single session was like that though. But I'll only know if I can handle it by doing it hey.

Absolutely will consider this place, but the start of next year I will try a Goju ryu dojo which is still a drive but isn't as far.

Thanks everyone for all your support, kind words, encouragement and even just keeping watch over this year, it means the world!
Great to hear. Always good to hear about a good school. Remember distance (the lack of) has a Lot to do with the ability to stick with a location.
Best of fortune to you on the journey.
Great to hear. Always good to hear about a good school. Remember distance (the lack of) has a Lot to do with the ability to stick with a location.
Best of fortune to you on the journey.
Thanks @dvcochran, appreciate that very much! And yeah it's something I've kept in mind. I didn't want distance to be a factor if it's something I really click with and enjoy. But I see what you're saying, distance does add another element that may make things difficult.

Cheers :)
So, how many different schools have you tried out so far in your search for a new martial arts home?
Hey Tony, I've tried out 5 different schools so far :). Have sat in on some too, in which I knew fairly quickly it wasn't one I even wanted to trial out. Some I have clicked with a bit, some I haven't, but wanting to make an informed decision before I commit.
Had a great session here at home, a mix of kihon, conditioning, kata, agility and footwork drills, and bagwork drills.

I'm planning on finally doing a beach session. My first one will be solo, and a nice one to mark the end of this very very challenging year... and I'm gonna reach out to all my karate-ka friends and see who wants to join me for a beach one soon, a sort of Kagami Biraki!

Miss all the guys I used to train with, and this one will be very symbolic for me in starting the year solid, standing within the strength I've realised within myself and using that propel me forward. Away from toxic environments and people, and into goodness, truth, love and where my heart wants to pull me. But if no one shows up, I'll still be training!

MT folks are welcome too! *I will pay for airfares!!!

Watch this space!

*Disclaimer: these terms and conditions subject to change.
Ahh stunning conditions this morning for a karate beach session... did some solid kihon, formal ido geiko, kumite combinations, and kata. Still reached 44°C eventually, but the breeze and water had a very cooling effect.

Highlights: doing kicks and almost falling over, and Seiunchin, Sanchin and Tensho katas in the deeper waist-high waters!

A really refreshing morning... I teared up when I was close to the location and could see the stunningly beautiful scenery... has gotta be one of my favourite places, and haven't been here in ages. Felt like a spiritual homecoming.

My aim was to leave everything behind from this year in the waters, all the toxic people and situations, and everything which no longer serves me. Start afresh.


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One of those home sessions when you plan to do only about 30 mins max, and you start, and an hour and 45 mins later........


Was great fun!


Exercise stations (run across hall, kiba dachi + 10 punches, run, 10 pushups, run, 10 squat mae geris, run, superman hold 20s. Repeat 3 times)

Irimi/sabaki steps

Kokutsu dachi shuto uke, slowly, then fast:
Really cool things I discovered doing this... I focused on keeping weight low, relaxed the whole time, and on really letting the body uncoil. To NOT really focus on hand/arm/shoulder at all, don't force arm movement, and to let the body uncoil into it. Lengthen my stance a little, and more weight on back. (Did like over 100 of them or so...)

Combo- kiba dachi 2x punches, turn left 45° zenkutsu dachi uchi uke, turn left kokutsu dachi shuto uke, back to kiba dachi 2x punches. Other side.

Punches, blocks and kicks with resistance bands:
REALLY fun. Haven't done much of this before, was quite challenging.

Impact conditioning: wasn't sure what to do these on... but I turned my punching bag upside down and used that end (much firmer than top!). Just different blocks into it to condition forearms a bit.

Used a stick/handle to smash myself XD. Stomach, ribs, outside thigh, inside thigh.
Still training at home while on holidays, coming up with creative methods and invented a new fun training contraption :P.

Just a hand mitt attached to a resistance band, and attached to my punching bag stand. Used it for a bit of accuracy training: lunge punches, reverse punches, front kicks, rounds kicks...

And it's great, as you make impact it swings around everywhere like crazy, so you've gotta try and work on your timing to explode into it at just the right moment in order to hit it.
Still training at home while on holidays, coming up with creative methods and invented a new fun training contraption :p.

Just a hand mitt attached to a resistance band, and attached to my punching bag stand. Used it for a bit of accuracy training: lunge punches, reverse punches, front kicks, rounds kicks...

And it's great, as you make impact it swings around everywhere like crazy, so you've gotta try and work on your timing to explode into it at just the right moment in order to hit it.
I need to get creative and set up some stuff to work on at home. I typically only work kata at home (no heavy bag, even), but I really ought to be able to figure out some things like this to work strikes a bit.
I need to get creative and set up some stuff to work on at home. I typically only work kata at home (no heavy bag, even), but I really ought to be able to figure out some things like this to work strikes a bit.
Ah yeah there're so many different ways to train things... it's quite fun to come up with stuff... some of it really does help skill development, and then honestly some of it is purely just for fun, and a fun way to use strikes etc. Both are important I think in their own way :)

I remember when doing some tournament prep, I hung up a tennis ball by string, gave it a good push, closed my eyes, opened them at random intervals, and had to either block the ball or just get out of the way before it hits me!

I tend to mix up my sessions depending on what I want to or need to work on, how the bod is feeling, or just a maintenance session, for example today I came up with:

-Quick kihon
-Lots moving dynamic flexibility x50
-Kihon (specific): 1 from each type of strike, x10, COMPLETE relaxation in between, explode out of completely relaxed space
-Accuracy target training
-1x kata (worked on Gekisai Dai for about 7mins..)
-Shadowsparring app (posted a thread about this one)