andrew klavan on Jon stewart: bully


Lifetime Supporting Member
This is a post by Andrew Klavan, author, screenwriter and video commentarian, about Stephen Crowder, comedian and video commentarian, being bullied by Jon Stewart and his people.

From the post:

At this point, according to the next Crowder video, the Daily Show producer who wrote the letter went ballistic at being publicly exposed as a political blacklister. She furiously phoned Crowder’s manager and upbraided him for showing Crowder her letter. The reaming was so bad, Crowder’s manager, feeling he had to protect his business and his other clients, dumped Crowder.
This is a post by Andrew Klavan, author, screenwriter and video commentarian, about Stephen Crowder, comedian and video commentarian, being bullied by Jon Stewart and his people.

From the post:

At this point, according to the next Crowder video, the Daily Show producer who wrote the letter went ballistic at being publicly exposed as a political blacklister. She furiously phoned CrowderÂ’s manager and upbraided him for showing Crowder her letter. The reaming was so bad, CrowderÂ’s manager, feeling he had to protect his business and his other clients, dumped Crowder.

Let me get this straight-a "conservative pundit," and not necessarily one at the level of Bill O'reilly or any of the others who might make an appearance on the Daily Show,, but just some guy looking for a job, gets rejected by what is an obviously biased show with a liberal slant, because "we never would hire conservative pundits," and that's blacklisting? More to the point, said self-described conservative pundit is somehow surprised at his rejection? That he used it for new material is unsurprising, but the producer's reaction shouldn't be-it's show-business, and such people typically think that they're God. Further, to ascribe the actions of the producer to Jon Stewart is-well, maybe not much of a stretch, but it makes a lot of assumptions, chief among them that John Stewart even saw the Crowder's unsolicited video or even knew about it.

Yet you have somewhat moronically titled this post andrew klavan on Jon Stewart:bully-actually, it wasn't that moronic; that was the point of Klavan's post, that Jon Stewart is a bully. So he's moronic, and, as usual, you just parroted his idiocy.

billi wanna cracker? :lfao:

a post by billcihak
of a post by Andrew Klavan
about Stephen Crowder
about Jon Stewart
and his people
Did you miss the part where the Stewart lackey went off on the agent for showing the letter to his client and then threatened him to the point where he dropped his client? Remember, Crowder just showed the letter on one of his videos. It is pretty clear in its statement that they don't book conservative pundits. They could have said a lot of things in response to Crowder, they said that specifically. Then they attacked crowders agent and got him so scared he dropped Crowder. Sounds like bullying to me.
Did you miss the part where the Stewart lackey went off on the agent for showing the letter to his client and then threatened him to the point where he dropped his client? Remember, Crowder just showed the letter on one of his videos. It is pretty clear in its statement that they don't book conservative pundits. They could have said a lot of things in response to Crowder, they said that specifically. Then they attacked crowders agent and got him so scared he dropped Crowder. Sounds like bullying to me.

Nope. Sounds like show business, and maybe like Crowder's agent is a big scaredy-cat coward. Don't see where "they" threatened him, just where one woman gave him piece, and probably a small piece, of her mind.

Oh, and maybe Crowder doesn't make the agent any $$$$$$ anyway, so why not drop him?

Of course it "sounds like bullying to you." It's those evil liberals trying to keep the conservatives shut up again....:lfao:

sounds like bullying to me
they could have said a lot of things
they don't like conservatiuve pundits
they said that specifically
did you miss the part
wher it sounds like bullying
Stewart lackey went off
agent dropped Crowder
sounds like bullying to me
It's funny how the tides can turn so quickly:

"There is genuine intellectual curiosity," May told New York. "He's a staunch liberal, but he's a thoughtful liberal, and I respect that." May isn't the only conservative gushing about Stewart. While the movement professes a disdain for the "liberal media elite," it has made an exception for the true-blue 46-year-old comedian. "He always gives you a chance to answer, which some people don't do," says John Bolton, President Bush's ambassador to the United Nations and a Fox News contributor, who went on the show last month. "He's got his perspective, but he's been fair." Says Bolton: "In general, a lot of the media, especially on the left, has lost interest in debate and analysis. It has been much more ad hominem. Stewart fundamentally wants to talk about the issues. That's what I want to do."

What's more, Stewart seems to like hosting conservatives (Comedy Central did not reply to requests for comment). In recent weeks, Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, and Bill Kristol have stopped by. Since the beginning of the Obama administration, Stewart has interviewed more conservative pundits than liberal ones.

Personally, I think it's only the dumb ones who don't like Stewart. Intelligent, thoughtful conservatives have historically enjoyed the verbal sparring.
I guess the cognitive dissonance hurts on this one. If anyone wants to look the guests up, they're all right here:

The guest list is a mix of celebs, authors, scientists, activists and political figures (including pundits) from both sides of the aisle. And he consistently manages to make his interviews interesting and funny regardless of the guest.
The lackey used the word "book" when she probably meant "Hire" because he submitted material to the show. So sure, Jon "I'm just a comedien" stewart interviews the guys from fox, but he just doesn't hire them to work on his show. Could that be what they meant?
The lackey used the word "book" when she probably meant "Hire" because he submitted material to the show. So sure, Jon "I'm just a comedien" stewart interviews the guys from fox, but he just doesn't hire them to work on his show. Could that be what they meant?

I'm not getting the issue here, if not hiring someone is the issue. While I think Jon Stewart's Show does lampoon people of all political stripes, it is a left leaning program. So for them not to hire a right wing pundant seems like a no brainer. If it was a right wing biased show, would you have the same issue of them not hiring a liberal pundant? If so, you should probably look at the lack of TRUE progressive pundants on many of your favorite right wing shows.

Also, don't they have the right to hire or not hire anyone they want too, as long as equal oppurtunity laws are not broken?

This seems to be just another attempt to attack someone that does not mirror your views of the world.
Not really. Fox news has several lefties as pundits and several of them have shows of their own. The successful ones, Hannity, and O'reilly are right leaners, but only because it is hard to find real right leaners on the other networks. They can hire whoever they want. Crowder just points out that they admit he has talent, but the reason they are not hiring him is because he is a conservative. It is simply a matter of full disclosure. If they say "hey, we are lefties and we only want lefties," I say, great. If they say, "hey, were moderates and we aren't biased, were just comediens," then they are being dishonest. I don't believe in censor ship, and I think they can do what they want. It would just be nice if they were honest about it.
The lackey used the word "book" when she probably meant "Hire" because he submitted material to the show. So sure, Jon "I'm just a comedien" stewart interviews the guys from fox, but he just doesn't hire them to work on his show. Could that be what they meant?
Clearly not "just a comedian." But certainly "still" a comedian. And he makes no bones about his political leanings.

But I'm still not seeing the issue here. Maybe you guys are just being too sensitive. Perhaps you've been watching too many Ang Lee movies. :)
The lackey used the word "book" when she probably meant "Hire" because he submitted material to the show. So sure, Jon "I'm just a comedien" stewart interviews the guys from fox, but he just doesn't hire them to work on his show. Could that be what they meant?
I went back and read the article again and I didn't see that he was looking for a job. That makes it a little more clear. I mean, if the guy was submitting an application for a job, he's got to quit whining.

It comes down to two simple things for me. First, if he was trying to be booked for the show as a guest, and is asserting that the Daily Show is unbalanced and anti-conservative, I think he's wrong. And the historical guest list and opinions of prominent Conservatives including Bolton, Huckabee, McCain (until he sold his soul) and many, many others suggests this unknown comedian trying to make a name for himself is wrong.

If he's looking for a job, I wonder if this kid could have more of a sense of entitlement. I mean, he's applying for a job, and he's butthurt because he didn't get it. Ultimately, it doesn't matter why. It's a job, and the Daily Show shouldn't be forced to hire him. Talk about hypocrisy. The entire way this is going down is exactly what Conservatives SAY they are against. "Wahh... they don't like me because I'm conservative. They should be forced to hire me. Where's my binky??" Bottom line, though, is that the way he's acted since his rejection just makes it very clear that, regardless of why they didn't hire him, they made the right choice.
If he was just trying to get work, what it exposed is the silliiness of Jon Stewart complaining all the time about fox news. If his show is doing what he says fox is doing, he is a hypocrite.
If he was just trying to get work, what it exposed is the silliiness of Jon Stewart complaining all the time about fox news. If his show is doing what he says fox is doing, he is a hypocrite.
Stewart complains about ALL news. That's the thing you don't seem to get. He lampoons every major news outlet, including MSNBC, CNN and Fox.

Please tell me that you understand this, cause I'm starting to think you have never actually seen the show.
Hilarious. Check out Stewart... the relevant part is at 2:00.

Edit to add: I reread the breitbart article linked above and I'm still not sure what he's alleging. It looks as if his article boils down to this:

Stewart doesn't satirize Obama.
Stewart doesn't satirize the left.
Stewart admits satirizing the right, including the tea party.
Stewart dresses funny.

Stewart has consistently, as in over years, criticized all media for being greedy and sensationalist. So, in that, Breitbart does seem to get it. But for the rest, it sounds great if it were actually true. Well, he might dress funny... but it just takes a few seconds to find recent bits that poke fun at liberal media outlets, Obama and democrats in general. This is a smear job. Face it. Stewart's hilarious and makes foolish people look foolish. He staked his position very clearly back in 2004, when he made both Tucker Carlson and Paul Begala look like *** clowns. He's been consistent ever since. Conservatives want to make it personal, but it's well established that it's not personal.

This guy is right in that Stewart's position is absolutely ideological. Where he's mistaken, however, is that it's not Left vs Right or Daily Show vs Fox News. It's Daily Show vs Irresponsible Opinion-based News. And that's why his show is so funny. The establishment harumphs around and is so caught up in its collective hypocrisy, it can't defend itself from an honest, consistent, outside evaluation. And the very fact that Stewart lambastes ALL news outlets undermines any whining and moaning from one side or the other. It's true of them all, and he's quick to hold up the mirror and laugh.

And a lot of people laugh right along with him. Including prominent, competent people from every perspective.
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It doesn't hurt that Stewart has excellent interview skills, as well. I thought his interview of Obama was one of the best out there. It was not an easy interview for Obama. He frequently has guest on from the right, middle, and left. He also blast all the networks. The article seems to be an attack job meant for people who have never watched the show. If a person watched the show, they would realize very quickly that while Stewart is left leaning, there are no sacred cows and foolishness gets lampooned no matter who is doing it.

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