Jon Stewart: Stifling free speech


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
A column by John Nolte of in which he discusses Jon Stewart and his problem with free political speech.

The best example of this occurred just a few months ago at his anti-Beck “Rally to Restore Sanity.” In order to point his sanctimonious finger at the rest of us and wag it like the Church Lady so he could tell everyone else how they should and should not conduct themselves, he puts on this HUGE rally in DC. I’m sorry, but this is not normal behavior. Sure, the rally was successful, but the irony of someone standing in the heart of our democracy to demand we stop speaking a certain way… Who does stuff like that? Of all people wanting to regulate speech … a political comedian.

and there, I thought you done did your worst....

Anti-Beck Ralley?! Are you (and those folks you like to parrot) for real?!

it's called SATIRE...
A column by John Nolte of in which he discusses Jon Stewart and his problem with free political speech.

The best example of this occurred just a few months ago at his anti-Beck “Rally to Restore Sanity.” In order to point his sanctimonious finger at the rest of us and wag it like the Church Lady so he could tell everyone else how they should and should not conduct themselves, he puts on this HUGE rally in DC. I’m sorry, but this is not normal behavior. Sure, the rally was successful, but the irony of someone standing in the heart of our democracy to demand we stop speaking a certain way… Who does stuff like that? Of all people wanting to regulate speech … a political comedian.
Calling on people to tone it down is not a freedom of speech issue. Please look up Freedom of Speech, or take a class. I did.
A column by John Nolte of in which he discusses Jon Stewart and his problem with free political speech.

The best example of this occurred just a few months ago at his anti-Beck “Rally to Restore Sanity.” In order to point his sanctimonious finger at the rest of us and wag it like the Church Lady so he could tell everyone else how they should and should not conduct themselves, he puts on this HUGE rally in DC. I’m sorry, but this is not normal behavior. Sure, the rally was successful, but the irony of someone standing in the heart of our democracy to demand we stop speaking a certain way… Who does stuff like that? Of all people wanting to regulate speech … a political comedian.
That's funny. Leftwing outlets were on him for not being political enough at this rally and now the right wing is on him for being too political.

He should be proud, though, that he's got the right wing media outlets (and the people who follow them) so worked up with his radical calls for civility and good manners that the eye of saruman is turning in his direction. You guys are just mad because if this civility thing catches on you won't be able to call people nazis anymore. Try watching the show. He skewers the right, but he also nails the left and hasn't pulled any punches with Obama. :D
It is the left that uses the term nazi all the time, and incorrectly, rather than the right using it. Jon Stewart, a tool for the government. Interesting.
It would be nice if civlility caught on, fewer republicans and conservatives would be physically assaulted by union thugs and democratic supporters.
It is the left that uses the term nazi all the time, and incorrectly, rather than the right using it. Jon Stewart, a tool for the government. Interesting.

You know, calling somebody a tool could be considered hateful.

It would be nice if civlility caught on, fewer republicans and conservatives would be physically assaulted by union thugs and democratic supporters.


I sure hope you are only trolling and don't believe that.....stuff!
Civility would be nice but Jon Stewart isn't looking for that. He wants people opposed to Obamas agenda to be quiet and to get out of the way.

Granfire, not only do I believe it, I have seen it. From Ken Gladdney getting beaten up by S.E.I.U. to Bobby jinsals aide getting her leg broken in two places and her fiance getting a concussion to the less dramatic but very typical pie throwing at conservative speakers, to the camera people assaulted by democrats and their supporters, one of which is at "liberal pacifism," and the other one I have seen on various cable shows, Yes, some liberal civility would be kind of nice. Also, if they could stop calling conservatives nazis and facists, that would be nice as well.

Starbucks would also appreciate not having to replace store windows whenever the left wing decides to have a riot.
Civility would be nice but Jon Stewart isn't looking for that. He wants people opposed to Obamas agenda to be quiet and to get out of the way.

Granfire, not only do I believe it, I have seen it. From Ken Gladdney getting beaten up by S.E.I.U. to Bobby jinsals aide getting her leg broken in two places and her fiance getting a concussion to the less dramatic but very typical pie throwing at conservative speakers, to the camera people assaulted by democrats and their supporters, one of which is at "liberal pacifism," and the other one I have seen on various cable shows, Yes, some liberal civility would be kind of nice. Also, if they could stop calling conservatives nazis and facists, that would be nice as well.

Starbucks would also appreciate not having to replace store windows whenever the left wing decides to have a riot.
How many lives do you suppose were lost when The right outed the CIA agent? This goes both ways.
That's funny. Leftwing outlets were on him for not being political enough at this rally and now the right wing is on him for being too political.

He should be proud, though, that he's got the right wing media outlets (and the people who follow them) so worked up with his radical calls for civility and good manners that the eye of saruman is turning in his direction. You guys are just mad because if this civility thing catches on you won't be able to call people nazis anymore. Try watching the show. He skewers the right, but he also nails the left and hasn't pulled any punches with Obama. :D
The first political person I can remember anyone calling a Nazi was when Bush was called that almost on a daily basis.
ROFL Oh were serious when you started this thread... :(

You are starting to lose all credability with some of the nonsense you are posting. It is hard to take seriously anyone who posts anything he can find that bashes the left, even if it isn't from a credible source or makes no sense. It gets worse when you start bashing a satire comedian for..well being funny at satire.

I still don't understand why a call to civility, especially when it was done in a way NOT to take a left or a right slant, is such a bad thing, even if it is coming from a comedian. I see post all the time from our more right leaning friends about people from the left saying bad things about people on the right. Seems if they were serious about these post, a call to civility and respectful discourse, instead of mudslinging, would be something to support.
It is the left that uses the term nazi all the time, and incorrectly, rather than the right using it. Jon Stewart, a tool for the government. Interesting.
LOL. Yeah. Okay. Once again, he lampoons both sides. And both sides deserve it. Politics is absurd, and the tenor of the political conversation is unnecessarily negative on both sides. Why are you guys against courtesy and respect? What is it about vitriol and negativity that you think is constructive?

It's hilarious to me that the right wing machine is kicked into full gear. On the one hand, the news and political pundits dismiss Stewart as an inconsequential comedian on extended cable. And then, on the other, they seem to be going out of their way to prove otherwise.

Bill, it's pretty clear you've never watched the daily show. When Obama does something stupid, he's taken to task. And it's funny. Every episode is online. Now, I know that going to the source isn't as easy or convenient as reading one's opinions pre-packaged on a website like, but it can be kind of fun.
Just as an aside, I was working downtown during the WTO riots in Seattle. It was crazy. I can only relate my own experiences and impressions from being in the thick of it. At the time (and nothing I've seen since has led me to believe otherwise), my impression is that there were troublemakers under the guise of "anarchists" who had no political agenda other than to cause trouble. They viewed the entire thing as an opportunity to cause trouble and they went out of their way to do so. The local police weren't prepared for the number of people, they made a few mistakes and the situation escalated.

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