Jon Stewart and misinformation


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An article by John Nolte at about a recent rant by Jon Stewart on the union problem in Wisconsin. He seems to be saying things that aren't actually being done.

from the article:

The smoke and mirrors at work here is a new low, even for Jon Stewart. And as far as the final clip where a Fox anchor says it’s time for teachers to make concessions, does he disagree? Would he prefer the States go bankrupt? Because other than taxing job creators (the rich) to the point where they create even fewer jobs than they already are, asking for concessions from these bloated public unions is the only answer. There are other jobs at stake here. Not just the sacred teachers. What about the private sector jobs the unemployed need, the private sector jobs that won’t be created if guys like Stewart get their way and taxes are raised further to pay for bloated public unions. But, you know, screw them. Private sector workers vote Republican. They deserve to suffer.

Stewart’s second question quoted above is a stupid one. The question isn’t whether or not we should limit the pay of CEO’s running taxpayer bailed out firms, the question is whether or not these firms should’ve been bailed out in the first place. The answer, of course, is no. The government picking winners and losers isn’t the solution, it’s the problem.
I also find it revealing that when Stewart talks about bailouts he only talks about Wall Street. Wonder why he doesn’t mention General Electric. You know, all those union workers we bailed out as a part of that giveaway? The same General Motors Electric that’s part owner of NBC and MSNBC.
.....getting angry at a comedian? oye veh...

Too bad that 'the rich' and teachers do not have a lot in common....I mean, 'the rich' could pick one teacher to pay the salary for, no? In terms of job creating....

(but as far as I heard, the tax breaks for 'the rich' did not result in the creation of all that many jobs as they had hoped for. So that shoots that theory kind of out of the water.)
What next, calling out SNL's Weekend Update for inaccuracies? I wonder if as many people realize that Jon Stewart's show is a comedy? Because this guy seems to be taking it seriously.
What next, calling out SNL's Weekend Update for inaccuracies? I wonder if as many people realize that Jon Stewart's show is a comedy? Because this guy seems to be taking it seriously.
There was a poll, last year, apparently quite a few people think they get their news from Stewart.
Well then it's the audiences fault for taking it too seriously, just like that journalist is taking it too seriously.

But really, what kinda person puts on Comedy Central for their news outlet?
Well then it's the audiences fault for taking it too seriously, just like that journalist is taking it too seriously.

But really, what kinda person puts on Comedy Central for their news outlet?

Liberals. Until you call them on it. Then he is just a comedian. We had a discussion about this here a while back. When they need a quote or a source "He is a Satirist and that is a form of making fun of the truth, so he is totally in the know" but when called on his B.S. "Oh come on, he's just a comedian, give me a break are you that stupid?"
I would have said MORONS, but, you're nicer than I am.
Until you call them on it. Then he is just a comedian. We had a discussion about this here a while back. When they need a quote or a source "He is a Satirist and that is a form of making fun of the truth, so he is totally in the know" but when called on his B.S. "Oh come on, he's just a comedian, give me a break are you that stupid?"
People who take Stewart seriously as a news source probably look to Andrew Dice Clay for information on gender issues....

I don't know what's stupider: liberals who use him as a news source, or conservatives who point to his inaccuracies as if it means something.

Can't we all just get along?

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