Jon jones fails drug test yet again

I don't doubt it at all.

I don't pass judgement on athletes who take banned substances. Don't get me wrong, I'm DEFINITELY AGAINST IT. That being said, I'm a school teacher. If there was an illegal substance that I could easily obtain that would take me from being a $50k a year teacher to a $5 million a year teacher, it would be enticing. If I knew most of my peers were taking it and very, very few were getting caught, it would be very hard to not do it year after year. Or if I was that $5 million a year guy who did it the right way and all the $50k guys were doing it and surpassing me, pushing me back down.

I'd love to say I wouldn't do it. It's pretty easy to say that when it's not a realistic thing for me. And even easier to say when it's not an every single day thing. It's easy to be honest when you don't have the true need and/or opportunity to steal big.

Like pretty much everything else, I try not to be so judgmental of situations I've never been close to being in.

A good friend of mine "played" 2 seasons in the NFL. He was an undrafted offensive lineman. He was a tremendous athlete, had the right size, had the right mental abilities, and was highly skilled. He worked very hard and was a great "locker room guy." He just wasn't strong enough. He was on the Cowboys' practice squad for a season, the Giants' practice squad for a season, then got cut and no one picked him up.

Being a 325 lbs lineman and only bench pressing 350 lbs isn't going to get you anywhere in the NFL. When 200 lb guys in other positions are lifting a lot more than you can, you have no chance. We all knew it, but we never discussed it with him - he never did PEDs. Had he done PEDs, he would've been an active player with a contract.

I've got the utmost respect for that. But I wouldn't have judged him if he did what he needed to do to play.
Teaching and fighting are completely different. If you took a teaching drug you wouldn't be at risk of hurting anyone. To me in something like golf or tennis or football then whatever but fighting is where even when not juicing there's risk of causing serious Injury to someone else so taking that junk puts people's health at even more risk.

Also I couldn't do it because I'd consider myself a fraud. My attitude has always been you get what you work for. For example if I'd taken my black belt grading and taken a drug to help me pass it wouldn't mean anything because it wasn't me that did it it was the drug. That's just me I see why people would but to me I consider anyone who juices mentally weak. Like Jon jones goes around saying he's the greatest to ever live...does he actually believe that when he's been juicing for god knows how long. Can he truly think his skills are better than everyone else's when he has an unfair advantage. It's no different to if I win a race but have a minutes head start
Teaching and fighting are completely different. If you took a teaching drug you wouldn't be at risk of hurting anyone. To me in something like golf or tennis or football then whatever but fighting is where even when not juicing there's risk of causing serious Injury to someone else so taking that junk puts people's health at even more risk.

Also I couldn't do it because I'd consider myself a fraud. My attitude has always been you get what you work for. For example if I'd taken my black belt grading and taken a drug to help me pass it wouldn't mean anything because it wasn't me that did it it was the drug. That's just me I see why people would but to me I consider anyone who juices mentally weak. Like Jon jones goes around saying he's the greatest to ever live...does he actually believe that when he's been juicing for god knows how long. Can he truly think his skills are better than everyone else's when he has an unfair advantage. It's no different to if I win a race but have a minutes head start

I agree with what you're saying, but I'm going to play devil's advocate here...

Pride is one thing, money is another thing. The black belt you reference is a pride thing. I wouldn't want it that way either. But if there was a $5 million prize for getting it, pride alone wouldn't keep me from putting a needle in my a$$ to get it. Especially when a lot of other people around me are doing the same thing. When I feel all guilty and start crying about it, I'll reach for a wad of $100 bills to blow my nose and wipe my tears while I'm relaxing in my hot tub and watching a movie on my 100" tv. Paid for by guilt money of course.

As far as the potential for hurting people... sure. But on the flip side, what if my opponent is doing them and I'm not? I'm theoretically at a greater risk. If we're both doing it, the playing field is even. How do you know your opponent isn't?

I worked as an athletic trainer at a few Div I schools for about 15 years. I've seen the temptation many times. I've never once agreed with it, but I get it. I've seen people work their butts off and hit that glass ceiling. If they were just a step faster, or could jump a few inches higher, or were just a little stronger, they'd be at the next level. If money wasn't involved, it wouldn't be a big issue. But if you've got a 20 year old kid who's seen his entire family struggle his whole life, "cheating" in a way that a lot of others do eases that guilt quite a bit.

If I grew up with my parents regularly not knowing where our next meal was coming from, and me doing PEDs had a realistic chance of breaking that cycle (nothing is ever guaranteed), it would be quite hard to say no.

Again, I'm playing devil's advocate. I'm empathetic to people doing PEDs, not sympathetic. I guess it's the difference between "I get it" and not "I agree with it."
So apparently jones passed a blood test the day of the fight but the drug he was busted for can't be traced in blood only urine and it only stays in your system for 4 hours. I believe he's been taking it his whole career and slipped up this time or took more or whatever because its convinient he's busted the first time he finishes a guy in years
I agree with what you're saying, but I'm going to play devil's advocate here...

Pride is one thing, money is another thing. The black belt you reference is a pride thing. I wouldn't want it that way either. But if there was a $5 million prize for getting it, pride alone wouldn't keep me from putting a needle in my a$$ to get it. Especially when a lot of other people around me are doing the same thing. When I feel all guilty and start crying about it, I'll reach for a wad of $100 bills to blow my nose and wipe my tears while I'm relaxing in my hot tub and watching a movie on my 100" tv. Paid for by guilt money of course.

As far as the potential for hurting people... sure. But on the flip side, what if my opponent is doing them and I'm not? I'm theoretically at a greater risk. If we're both doing it, the playing field is even. How do you know your opponent isn't?

I worked as an athletic trainer at a few Div I schools for about 15 years. I've seen the temptation many times. I've never once agreed with it, but I get it. I've seen people work their butts off and hit that glass ceiling. If they were just a step faster, or could jump a few inches higher, or were just a little stronger, they'd be at the next level. If money wasn't involved, it wouldn't be a big issue. But if you've got a 20 year old kid who's seen his entire family struggle his whole life, "cheating" in a way that a lot of others do eases that guilt quite a bit.

If I grew up with my parents regularly not knowing where our next meal was coming from, and me doing PEDs had a realistic chance of breaking that cycle (nothing is ever guaranteed), it would be quite hard to say no.

Again, I'm playing devil's advocate. I'm empathetic to people doing PEDs, not sympathetic. I guess it's the difference between "I get it" and not "I agree with it."
I completely agree. Your post is very similar to what I wrote years ago with regards to Brett Boone, a former mariners 2nd baseman, who was so obviously juicing at the time.
I don't think Tyson ever failed a drug test (for boxing anyway). And I'm quite sure he never pretended to be someone he isn't. He stayed pretty quiet very early on, but that's not exactly pretending.

I don't know much about Jon Jones to compare.
Old thread I know but I was rereading and saw this. He failed a drugs test after a fight for cocaine and he'd been using for a number of fights but he managed to fake the drugs tests by using another guys urine each time but he didnt get the chance for when he got busted
But if there was a $5 million prize for getting it, pride alone wouldn't keep me from putting a needle in my a$$ to get it. Especially when a lot of other people around me are doing the same thing. When I feel all guilty and start crying about it, I'll reach for a wad of $100 bills to blow my nose and wipe my tears while I'm relaxing in my hot tub and watching a movie on my 100" tv. Paid for by guilt money of course.

and if it meant you had a very short life is it still worth it? If it made you sterile with heart disease and you were so aggressive none of your family wanted to know you?
This guy has a load of problems, and he's a pretty vile individual. I doubt he makes it past 40 at this rate.
Hmmm the USADA lab claims the results could be residual from when he was positive last time and this isnt from using again recently.
That's why California gave him a license but Nevada is still refusing based on residuals from the 2017 test....interesting
Hmmm the USADA lab claims the results could be residual from when he was positive last time and this isnt from using again recently.
That's why California gave him a license but Nevada is still refusing based on residuals from the 2017 test....interesting


Hmmm the USADA lab claims the results could be residual from when he was positive last time and this isnt from using again recently.
That's why California gave him a license but Nevada is still refusing based on residuals from the 2017 test....interesting
Yeah no that's total crap