Jon jones fails drug test yet again


Senior Master
Aug 26, 2016
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So once again good old jon jones fails a drugs test for his fight for taking an oral steroid and again is denying it. I'm genuinely hoping they ban him for life. The mans a disgrace. He's always been bragging about his drug taking while fighting bragging about how he beat dc the first time while high. Plus all his problems, drink driving, drag racing, hitting a pregnant women and running away. The mans a joke and I have no idea why anyone supports the guy. If the ufc is anything near a fair organisation (questionable) then he'll lose the title and never be allowed to fight again.

People can say what they want about DC not being the true champion but to me he's 10 times the champion jones is. His statement he gave over this was wishing jones the best. He should be angry about what jones has done. I do hope dc gets given the title back and we never have to see that idiot jones again.
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Not sure why the fighters depend on the steroids like that. It seems counter productive if they are going to lose a win because they were juicing. I didn't know Jon Jones had all of those issues. Doesn't surprise me since historically some of the best martial artist from the past weren't exactly the best role models. I'm more disappointed in the drug use than anything else. That sends the wrong signal about taking shortcuts and the US already has a problem as a society with wanting everything now.
So once again good old jon jones fails a drugs test for his fight for taking an oral steroid and again is denying it. I'm genuinely hoping they ban him for life. The mans a disgrace. He's always been bragging about his drug taking while fighting bragging about how he beat dc the first time while high. Plus all his problems, drink driving, drag racing, hitting a pregnant women and running away. The mans a joke and I have no idea why anyone supports the guy. If the ufc is anything near a fair organisation (questionable) then he'll lose the title and never be allowed to fight again.

People can say what they want about DC not being the true champion but to me he's 10 times the champion jones is. His statement he gave over this was wishing jones the best. He should be angry about what jones has done. I do hope dc gets given the title back and we never have to see that idiot jones again.

i thought every one in mma took PEDS,
let me wipe the stupid off of you.jpg
According to this article he was caught between the weigh-in and the fight for a steroid that promotes lean muscle growth. As a team mate points out, the timing of that makes no sense since it wouldn't have an impact on the fight - especially after testing clean throughout camp.

It'd be interesting to find out what the hell he was actually up to. Had he been using PEDs in a way which beat the system during fight camp and he's only been caught at the final hurdle, for example.

I don't buy into the "he's been setup" line, yet, unless anyone can provide a motive for USADA wanting to suspend Jon Jones for no good reason.

Jon Jones' teammate claims failed drug test for steroids set up: 'They are trying to ruin this kid's life'

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According to this article he was caught between the weigh-in and the fight for a steroid that promotes lean muscle growth. As a team mate points out, the timing of that makes no sense since it wouldn't have an impact on the fight - especially after testing clean throughout camp.

It'd be interesting to find out what the hell he was actually up to. Had he been using PEDs in a way which beat the system during fight camp and he's only been caught at the final hurdle, for example.

I don't buy into the "he's been setup" line, yet, unless anyone can provide a motive for USADA wanting to suspend Jon Jones for no good reason.

Jon Jones' teammate claims failed drug test for steroids set up: 'They are trying to ruin this kid's life'

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Firstly that's only his friend saying so. So of course he's going to lie for him. Also jones is simply an idiot he got into a drag race and called a policeman a lovely pig while he was on parole. So he's not exactly got many brains in his head it wouldn't surprise me at all. The mans a joke. To me anyone who touches steroids especially in fighting is a coward. They're not confident enough in their own abilities so they need to take steroids to help win
I'm not disagreeing that he seems to be a bit of a tit, but i'd rather examine the facts instead of letting a personal dislike of his character make up my mind for me.

The article also confirms the timing of the test however I'm not sure if that's just regurgitating the quote from JJ's friend.

It would be nice to get confirmation of what he tested positive for and when straight from the horse's mouth

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"promotes lean muscle growth" also means that it speeds up your recovery process so you can train longer and harder. That is why many combat sport athletes use them.

In this specific case, Turinabol helps you recover faster, but isn't as anabolic so isn't used by many bodybuilders. It's biggest benefit along with the recovery factor is that it greatly increases muscular endurance. So, yes it does make a lot of sense and would effect the outcome of the fight.

It is the "perfect" PED for combat sports athletes.
Thanks Punisher73, that's interesting.

He's a repeat offender so in that case, I'd say ban him for life.
"promotes lean muscle growth" also means that it speeds up your recovery process so you can train longer and harder. That is why many combat sport athletes use them.

In this specific case, Turinabol helps you recover faster, but isn't as anabolic so isn't used by many bodybuilders. It's biggest benefit along with the recovery factor is that it greatly increases muscular endurance. So, yes it does make a lot of sense and would effect the outcome of the fight.

It is the "perfect" PED for combat sports athletes.
The guys a disgrace to mma and martial arts period. He walks around like he's some holy saint martial artist quoting bruce lee but he's nothing but a dirty cheat
Jon jones the mike tyson of mma

I dunno if I'd go THAT far. Tyson was pretty out there in his younger years.

Love seeing the heel-face-turn that he made as he got older though....hopefully Bones can do the same, maybe he could use some life lessons from old Iron Mike.
I dunno if I'd go THAT far. Tyson was pretty out there in his younger years.

Love seeing the heel-face-turn that he made as he got older though....hopefully Bones can do the same, maybe he could use some life lessons from old Iron Mike.
Honestly I'd say jones is worse than tyson. Tyson grew up in an abusive home with adicts and criminal parents and friends lived in a rough neighbourhood, he was basically raised as a thug and a scum bag. It's not an excuse for the things he did but there's a reason he was what he was. Jones is just a rich boy who thinks he can get away with anything and doesn't learn from his mistakes.

Again Im not supporting tyson he was a horrible and vile person but he had a lot harder time of it growing up than jones did.
Honestly I'd say jones is worse than tyson. Tyson grew up in an abusive home with adicts and criminal parents and friends lived in a rough neighbourhood, he was basically raised as a thug and a scum bag. It's not an excuse for the things he did but there's a reason he was what he was. Jones is just a rich boy who thinks he can get away with anything and doesn't learn from his mistakes.

Again Im not supporting tyson he was a horrible and vile person but he had a lot harder time of it growing up than jones did.
I don't think Tyson ever failed a drug test (for boxing anyway). And I'm quite sure he never pretended to be someone he isn't. He stayed pretty quiet very early on, but that's not exactly pretending.

I don't know much about Jon Jones to compare.
"promotes lean muscle growth" also means that it speeds up your recovery process so you can train longer and harder. That is why many combat sport athletes use them.

In this specific case, Turinabol helps you recover faster, but isn't as anabolic so isn't used by many bodybuilders. It's biggest benefit along with the recovery factor is that it greatly increases muscular endurance. So, yes it does make a lot of sense and would effect the outcome of the fight.

It is the "perfect" PED for combat sports athletes.

He was probably taking Mibolerone, but got a tainted mixture that had Turinabol mixed with it.

Mibolerone is a PED and very hard to test for. Used alot by powerlifters during competition to give them a boost. It has a short life in the system but gives a big boost in strength and stamina.....also causes alot of aggression.

Mibolerone is almost impossible to test for but since it is completely illegal sources for it are very shady and most times when people are caught it is because it is mixed with something else that is testable.

Brendan Schaub explained it in his podcast.
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It is rumored that Tyson was on Mibolerone when he bit Holyfields ear off.
He was probably taking Mibolerone, but got a tainted mixture that had Turinabol mixed with it.

Mibolerone is a PED and very hard to test for. Used alot by powerlifters during competition to give them a boost. It has a short life in the system but gives a big boost in strength and stamina.....also causes alot of aggression.

Mibolerone is almost impossible to test for but since it is completely illegal sources for it are very shady and most times when people are caught it is because it is mixed with something else that is testable.

Brendan Schaub explained it in his podcast.
So more than likely he's been on it his whole career
It is rumored that Tyson was on Mibolerone when he bit Holyfields ear off.
I don't doubt it at all.

I don't pass judgement on athletes who take banned substances. Don't get me wrong, I'm DEFINITELY AGAINST IT. That being said, I'm a school teacher. If there was an illegal substance that I could easily obtain that would take me from being a $50k a year teacher to a $5 million a year teacher, it would be enticing. If I knew most of my peers were taking it and very, very few were getting caught, it would be very hard to not do it. And it would be even harder seeing it around me year after year. Or if I was that $5 million a year guy who did it the right way and all the $50k guys were doing it and surpassing me, pushing me back down it would be pretty hard too.

I'd love to say I wouldn't do it. It's pretty easy to say that when it's not a realistic thing for me. And even easier to say when it's not an every single day thing. It's easy to be honest when you don't have the true need and/or opportunity to steal big.

Like pretty much everything else, I try not to be so judgmental of situations I've never been close to being in.

A good friend of mine "played" 2 seasons in the NFL. He was an undrafted offensive lineman. He was a tremendous athlete, had the right size, had the right mental abilities, and was highly skilled. He worked very hard and was a great "locker room guy." He just wasn't strong enough. He was on the Cowboys' practice squad for a season, the Giants' practice squad for a season, then got cut and no one picked him up.

Being a 325 lbs lineman and only bench pressing 350 lbs isn't going to get you anywhere in the NFL. When 200 lb guys in other positions are lifting a lot more than you can, you have no chance. We all knew it, but we never discussed it with him - he never did PEDs. Had he done PEDs, he would've been an active player with a contract.

I've got the utmost respect for that. But I wouldn't have judged him if he did what he needed to do to play.