John Kerry won't be reporting for duty this time.


Crazy like a...
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Jan 16, 2006
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Caught a soundbite on the radio from Sen. John Kerry saying that he won't run for the Presidency in 2008.

Yes...I know it's a shock... ;)
Great, now I have to look at the SAME '04 bumper stickers the losing party is still displaying on their cars.

The Republican party should have at least offered sticker scrapers to the losing party.
I think the title of this thread is a bit misleading. And, I am a bit saddened by the reaction of my fellow posters on this thread. I think most of these responses are quite childish.

The Senator, in his statement about not running for President, indicated that there was still much work for him to perform. And that it is his duty to execute on that work to the best of his ability.

John Kerry said:
I know when I returned from war, almost 40 years ago now, I stood up and spoke from my heart and my gut about what I thought was wrong. To this day that has been controversial in some quarters, but I am proud that I told the truth. And that truth has been documented again and again from Army training manuals to books that have been written to the statements of our own Secretary of Defense at that time, Robert McNamara. But, before I finish, I want to make it clear that that is my motivation in talking about this war now and this predicament that so many of these soldiers find themselves in.

I asked the question in 1971: How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake? Although I knew going into public service I wanted to be in a place where I could have an impact should there be a choice of war in the future, but I never thought that I would be reliving the need to ask that question again.

We are there. Most of our colleagues understand this is a mistake. Most of our colleagues understand that 21,000 troops is not going to pacify Iraq. So all of us have a deep-rooted obligation, a deep moral obligation to ask ourselves what we can do to further the interests of our Nation and honor the sacrifices of those troops themselves. I think it is to get this policy right. I hope the President will truly listen to us in these next days because we want to work in good faith to do that.

Go ahead, take your cheap shots. They tell us far more about you than they tell us about the Senator.

Mr. Kerry is going to be working for your benefit, and mine; doing his duty.
Please show me any post of my own where I have shown such blatant disregard for any elected official.


Because that isn't what you accused the responders of, you accused them of being childish.

And 4 years back Kerry DID in fact say "I'm John Kerry, and I'm reporting for duty",yet he'd already been in public service since the 70's, so the implication is that he's only been "reporting for duty" for 4 years?

So the title isn't at all misleading.

Because that isn't what you accused the responders of, you accused them of being childish.

And 4 years back Kerry DID in fact say "I'm John Kerry, and I'm reporting for duty",yet he'd already been in public service since the 70's, so the implication is that he's only been "reporting for duty" for 4 years?

So the title isn't at all misleading.

Then shall I consider your post an apology for this accusation:

Andy Moynihan said:
Hey Pot! Kettle calling. you're black.

Andy Moynihan said:
Now if we can just get his *** out of the Senate, and get Bam-ba-lam woh-oh Fat Teddy to drive his car off a bridge a second, and final, time,

"Bam-ba-lam woh-oh Fat Teddy" - Yes, that is a very mature description of the Senior Senator from Massachusetts. If you find a way to attribute this statement as something other than with 'disregard' or 'childish', I will gladly listen.

And as for Senator Kerry's statement, and the title of this thread; the Senator is running for re-election in the Commonwealth in 2008. That is service and duty.

I, of course, can understand that the Theme of the Democratic National Convention of August '04 being replayed in this thread, without confusing it with the Senator's lifetime of service. And, I don't think that Carol Kaur intended anything other than to apply word play on the theme of that convention.
"Bam-ba-lam woh-oh Fat Teddy" - Yes, that is a very mature description of the Senior Senator from Massachusetts. If you find a way to attribute this statement as something other than with 'disregard' or 'childish', I will gladly listen.

May not be mature but it is accurate. How many times haven't I heard someone say that GW Bush did something, and that his daddy had to bail him out. Well at leat the President was never responsible for the death of someone in the same car as him because he was plastered. Teddy Kenedy caused the death of someone because he was driving drunk and got off because he is a Kennedy. Teddy should have the respect for his victim to step done and do his time like anyone else would have to if they had done what he did but lacked a wealthy family to bail them out.
"Bam-ba-lam woh-oh Fat Teddy" - Yes, that is a very mature description of the Senior Senator from Massachusetts. If you find a way to attribute this statement as something other than with 'disregard' or 'childish', I will gladly listen.

May not be mature but it is accurate. How many times haven't I heard someone say that GW Bush did something, and that his daddy had to bail him out. Well at leat the President was never responsible for the death of someone in the same car as him because he was plastered. Teddy Kenedy caused the death of someone because he was driving drunk and got off because he is a Kennedy. Teddy should have the respect for his victim to step done and do his time like anyone else would have to if they had done what he did but lacked a wealthy family to bail them out.

And your thoughts on Laura Welch and Michael Douglas? The former Ms. Welch now occupies a residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC.

How much 'time' did she do, like anyone else?
And your thoughts on Laura Welch and Michael Douglas? The former Ms. Welch now occupies a residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC.

How much 'time' did she do, like anyone else?

If you are going to throw out accusations, be specific, and please stop beating around the bush ( no pun intended ).
If you are going to throw out accusations, be specific, and please stop beating around the bush ( no pun intended ).

He is talking about a car accident involving three teenagers. The police report had the Laura Welch running a stop sign on the way to a party in 1963.

"The relative risk of death among 16- and 17-year-old drivers who have at least one passenger in the car is significantly greater than the relative risk when driving alone. The risk increases with each additional passenger. Carrying at least three teen passengers results in a threefold increase in the probability of a teen in that vehicle being killed."
He is talking about a car accident involving three teenagers. The police report had the Laura Welch running a stop sign on the way to a party in 1963.

Thank you.

And I thought with the power of the internets, one could simply search the series of tubes for Laura Welch and Michael Douglas.

From there, one would learn that Laura Welch is now Mrs. George W. Bush. One would further learn that Michael Douglas died in a car accident in which Ms. Welch was driving the automobile (at a rate of speed that can not be determined from the police report, incidently. Although that is largely irrelevant).

I am certain Mariachi Joe is just as passionate about demanding that The First Lady be removed from any public action, to show respect to Mr. Douglas' family by stepping down and doing her time, as he is in calling out Senator Kennedy for his actions.

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