Senator John Kerry, tax warrior


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Can someone explain to me why the democrat politicians who complain the most about the rich not paying their fair share of the tax burden, even when the rich are carrying most of the countries tax burden, are the same people who avoid taxes like the plague. Here is an article that details the vast fortune of John Kerry and his wife, and his wife's fortune, and how they hide that money and pay as little as they can in taxes. Also, he sits on committees that can actually effect the businesses he and his wife invest in. Here is the article:

But with a net worth over $230 million, Kerry and his wife — whose $1B net worth dwarfs her husband’s — over the years have avoided millions of dollars in taxes through a complex web of inherited trust funds. Last year alone they earned about $4.8 million for which they paid no taxes.
Moreover, the Kerrys haven’t placed any investments into a blind trust, as recommended for avoiding conflicts of interest. They also have numerous stock investments in companies standing to benefit from Kerry’s voting for bailouts and ObamaCare.
According to the
Center for Responsive Politics (CRP), the 12-member super committee, charged with cutting the national debt $1.5T, “by and large, are far wealthier than the average American.”
Leading the pack, financially speaking, is Senator Kerry, whose net worth is estimated to be $239M (averaging the latest available estimated minimum and maximum values from CRP). This is about 2,500 times the average American’s net worth of $96,000.

John and Teresa have numerous investments in the businesses and industries that stand to benefit from favorable legislation Kerry has voted for in recent years.
Kerry voted for the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. Also known as Troubled Asset Relief Program, it authorized the “Federal Government to purchase and insure certain types of troubled assets for the purposes of providing stability to and preventing disruption in the economy and financial system.”
During this time, Kerry owned and traded in stocks of numerous banks receiving government bailout money: Bank of America, Bank of New York Mellon, Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase & Co, State Street Corp, U.S. Bancorp, and Wells Fargo.Teresa also owns stock in many of these banks, worth an estimated $2.6M ($1.6-$3.5M).
Between 2003 and 2009, Kerry’s financial transactions included 61 purchases and sales of the above mentioned banking stocks; 50 of them occurred in 2009, containing 36 purchases estimated at $1.3M ($.75M-$1.8M).
Kerry has also owned and traded stocks of many insurance, medical, and pharmaceutical companies while voting for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, aka ObamaCare.

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