Joe Rogan

IMHO Math is the universal language and provides credit to lots of things people just have a hard time believing. Hopefully no one here will start debating the age of the Earth, fossils, or the Grand Canyon.

Hate to tell you, but there will always be people to argue, and by the way I think your comments would go I would probably be one of them.
I'm curious. Does anyone know of his formal education? Does he have a science background (besides Martial Science)? Has he studied basic physics? How did he form his opinion on the Lunar Landings?

IMHO Math is the universal language and provides credit to lots of things people just have a hard time believing. Hopefully no one here will start debating the age of the Earth, fossils, or the Grand Canyon.

So then who is the former NASA guy that broke his code of silence?

This debate should be a new thread.

Im not saying he's right or wrong, but condeming a man for believing in events happening differently from what is documented can hardly be used to gauge his intelligence or personality.

To be honest i dont care about the lunar landing what so ever.
Hate to tell you, but there will always be people to argue, and by the way I think your comments would go I would probably be one of them.

Sorry Stillelman, you lost me. Please elaberate. Thanks.

As for argue... I prefer the word 'debate'. 'Argue', to me, implies some degree of hostility which is not what I intended to do. The word 'debate' IMHO, refers to intelligently articulating multiple sides of a topic.

Don't get me wrong. Joe Rogan is funny as hell. He's on my top 8 on MySpace. I agree that he's knowledgeable in MMA and Martial Arts too. But someone brought up his view on the Lunar Land so I thought I would add my 2 cents. Again, I think this topic should be a new thread.
Im not saying he's right or wrong, but condeming a man for believing in events happening differently from what is documented can hardly be used to gauge his intelligence or personality.
In a recent UFC broadcast he also revealed that he occaisionally drinks his own urine to cure diseases. (Seemed kind of a strange detail to toss into fight commentary.)
How about the following?

Very smart people can believe very dumb things.

For example, I believe the earth WAS flat until enough people believed it to be a globe.

And that magic used to exist in abundance but is now nearly non-existant due to scientists "proving" things and making people believe them with their repeatable results from using the scientific method.

And that things are as the majority of people genuinely believe them to be: believing makes it so.

Faith is one of the most powerful forces in creation.

Ok... I don't REALLY believe the first three, but it IS something to think about: "What if ... ?"
Faith is one of the most powerful forces in creation.

Ok... I don't REALLY believe the first three, but it IS something to think about: "What if ... ?"

Then life would be much cooler. Beautiful women would fawn at my feet and perform all my work and chores. Every day in every part of the world would be a perfect SoCal spring day. I would be able to fly, or teleport to my destination, which ever I felt like. :ultracool
The wiki says unmanned rovers have placed reflectors on the moon. How does the presence of such reflectors refute the claims that the Apollo landings were faked?

It proves that soft landings on the moon did happen, and in 1969, the "purported" date of the moon landing. Given all involved, the non-zero probability that the moon landing was faked about approaches the non-zero probability that the Flying Spaghetti Monster exists. Why bother with such absurdities? The denialists wouldn't do it with other aspects of their lives, like the non-zero probability that we are all brains in a vat and "reality" doesn't exist, or the non-zero probability that the love of their parents, spouses and children are all an elaborate fakery and they all really hate them instead.

In other words, the explanations offered by the denialists have become non-falsifiable. A non-falsifiable proposition is by definition non-scientific, and we shouldn't bother with it.
I'm curious. Does anyone know of his formal education? Does he have a science background (besides Martial Science)? Has he studied basic physics? How did he form his opinion on the Lunar Landings?

IMHO Math is the universal language and provides credit to lots of things people just have a hard time believing. Hopefully no one here will start debating the age of the Earth, fossils, or the Grand Canyon.

So then who is the former NASA guy that broke his code of silence?

This debate should be a new thread.
I dont know much about Rogan but could it be that his debate on the moon landings was all a comedic ploy? He is after all a stand up comic, and in my opinion a really funny one. Especially when he goes into his version of the girls and how they think...
Hate to tell you, but there will always be people to argue, and by the way I think your comments would go I would probably be one of them.

In the spirit of debate...I disagree with both of these statements.

Wow, you were right, there WILL always be people who the way the sky is not blue.
Then life would be much cooler. Beautiful women would fawn at my feet and perform all my work and chores. Every day in every part of the world would be a perfect SoCal spring day. I would be able to fly, or teleport to my destination, which ever I felt like. :ultracool

:ladysman: ...a nice thought, indeed.
I dont know much about Rogan but could it be that his debate on the moon landings was all a comedic ploy? He is after all a stand up comic, and in my opinion a really funny one.

I don't think so; the arguments for a faked moon landing were plausible enough to make me think it over — google them and look them over some time. I don't think it was faked, but I considered the possibility that the first lunar landing was faked and that they then later achieved what they had first faked to win the "Space Race" with the Russians.

It was something I wouldn't put past our government :)

Especially when he goes into his version of the girls and how they think...

I bet that IS a funny segment. I'll have to search youtube for it sometime...
In any case, Joe Rogan is a terrible announcer. Seriously, I have to turn down the volume on every match so his idiot screaming doesn't cause my ears to bleed. His technical knowledge sucks baaaaad. If he's supposed to be a color commentator, he should stick to that, but his terminology is so bad that my 7 year old son asked me why he was calling an "americana" a "kimura lock". I hate him and can' wait for the day the UFC gets someone better. Having Couture do some commentary was a step in the right direction.
As fighters get older and retire, I think we'll get some better commentary.
a "kimura lock"

We joke about him doing that, in class. Somone will be rollling with someone and one of watching will always say "It's a kimura!" or "He's going for the kimura!!"
In any case, Joe Rogan is a terrible announcer. Seriously, I have to turn down the volume on every match so his idiot screaming doesn't cause my ears to bleed. His technical knowledge sucks baaaaad. If he's supposed to be a color commentator, he should stick to that, but his terminology is so bad that my 7 year old son asked me why he was calling an "americana" a "kimura lock". I hate him and can' wait for the day the UFC gets someone better. Having Couture do some commentary was a step in the right direction.
As fighters get older and retire, I think we'll get some better commentary.

Finally, someone who shares my dislike for Joe Rogan. BTW, I have read that the kimura and the americana can be interchangeable. But at the same time, I have been told that it depends on the position when you are applying the technique. I have also heard the same technique called a key lock.

I will say, however, it is better than the early days of UFC when the commentators were Jeff Blatnick and Jim Brown. I also remember Frank Shamrock saying "Absolutely" about 500 hundred times in one event. I thought Rocky Balboa was doing the color commentating.
In any case, Joe Rogan is a terrible announcer. Seriously, I have to turn down the volume on every match so his idiot screaming doesn't cause my ears to bleed. His technical knowledge sucks baaaaad. If he's supposed to be a color commentator, he should stick to that, but his terminology is so bad that my 7 year old son asked me why he was calling an "americana" a "kimura lock". I hate him and can' wait for the day the UFC gets someone better. Having Couture do some commentary was a step in the right direction.
As fighters get older and retire, I think we'll get some better commentary.

Come on man thats not fair, Ive actually heard Randy Coulture on TUF get the americana and kimura confused...its an easy thing to do especially in a fight.
His MMA knowledge is on point, obviously because of his background he calls ground fights better then when its standing, but I do feel he has good explanations of whats going and what fighters are trying to do......Goldberg on the other hand is a shocking can tell that Joe actually loves MMA where it just seems Goldberg has been paid to talk about it.

I would love to see Bas Rutten and Joe Rogan together.
In any case, Joe Rogan is a terrible announcer. Seriously, I have to turn down the volume on every match so his idiot screaming doesn't cause my ears to bleed. His technical knowledge sucks baaaaad. If he's supposed to be a color commentator, he should stick to that, but his terminology is so bad that my 7 year old son asked me why he was calling an "americana" a "kimura lock". I hate him and can' wait for the day the UFC gets someone better. Having Couture do some commentary was a step in the right direction.
As fighters get older and retire, I think we'll get some better commentary.

In many Judo/Ju Jitsu circles the "americana" and "kimura" are viewed as opposite sides of the same technique. Therefore the name is used interchangeably by MANY. Whether the wrist is up or down, it's still considered an Ude Garami. So why do the Brazilian slang names need to be specific when the Japanese derivative name is not? food for thought.

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