Jin Pal Hapkido

IÂ’m currently training under Master Thomas Lok at the new studio in Richmond.

I use to train at the other school thatÂ’s on No.3 rd, Richmond; but then I stopped because I finally had enough with that Instructor.

Now IÂ’m starting Hapkido again, studying under Master Thomas Lok along with my friends who use to train with me at the other school. I noticed the techniques that Master Thomas Lok teaches are much much more detailed. I also learn the correct way to apply the techniques. Master Thomas Lok spends a lot more time teaching and caring for his students.

We were so happy that Master Thomas Lok opened a new studio in Richmond.
The new studio is very big, clean and neat. One of the best things about the studio is the monthly fee includes Unlimited Class Attendance.

Here is the address:
Gum Ying Hapkido Studio
#1070 – 8766 McKim Way, Richmond
(Excel Center - South of Garden City Rd. & Cambie Rd.)
Tel: 778-361-9981

For anyone who is interested in Hapkido and lives in Greater Vancouver Area I highly recommended you to come and try out a class.

Master Thomas Lok is a great teacher and practitioner of Hapkido. It is definitely worth a look for anyone interested in Hapkido. I haven't seen the studio but I'd highly recommend trying out a class there because of the instructor.

I'm sure all the old Jin Pal Hapkido students in Vancouver will be happy to have a home again. They are very lucky to have Master Thomas Lok relocate there.

Hapki !!!
I trained with Master Thomas Lok for a long time. I will not comment the quality of his instruction in public. This is a disgusting matter, if you had trained with someone and moved on, YOU SHOULD NOT SAY BAD THINGS ABOUT YOUR LAST INSTRUCTOR. I SEE YOUR CHILD-LIKE BEHAVIOR IS SHOWING LITTLE DRAGON. I hope everyone seeing this forum will tell Master Thomas Lok what you are doing Eugenia Chau:p. If your current Instructor endorses what you are doing, I am sending a copy of this to GM Kim Jin Pal by mail.

Master Michael Lok is my friend, I can only say all your comments so far are not true. I will NOT debate this issue in public

Please use a forum to discuss Hapkido skills and techniques.:erg:
Very interesting comments!

First off Hapkido skills and techniques are taught by an instructor and the instructor is instrumental in the eventual mastering of such skills and techniques. It only follows that skill, technique are synonymous with instruction. So my comments are directly related to skills and techniques.

It would appear that you have taken my posting very personally so I can only guess as to your identity, much like you have done about mine. A shame you don’t have the courage to include your name, but from the tone of your posting it is not hard for anyone to figure out who you are. :wink2:

Now to comment about “I will not debate this issue in public”. Perhaps you don’t understand the meaning of the word “Forum”. A “Forum” is designed to allow for the free flow of information and as such it is expected that there will be comments, opinions and beliefs that are not going to be agreed upon by all persons who participate in the forum.

By opening a debate then refusing to debate is a sign that you don’t have the courage of your convictions. That being said I don’t expect this forum will hear from you again.

In the end I am studying with a Master who I feel has the best interests of his students and the best interest of Hapkido as his primary focus. Check him out at the address in my initial post.

Ciao for now. :boing1:

I trained with Master Thomas Lok for a long time. I will not comment the quality of his instruction in public. This is a disgusting matter, if you had trained with someone and moved on, YOU SHOULD NOT SAY BAD THINGS ABOUT YOUR LAST INSTRUCTOR. I SEE YOUR CHILD-LIKE BEHAVIOR IS SHOWING LITTLE DRAGON. I hope everyone seeing this forum will tell Master Thomas Lok what you are doing Eugenia Chau:p. If your current Instructor endorses what you are doing, I am sending a copy of this to GM Kim Jin Pal by mail.

Master Michael Lok is my friend, I can only say all your comments so far are not true. I will NOT debate this issue in public

Please use a forum to discuss Hapkido skills and techniques.:erg:
If your current Instructor endorses what you are doing, I am sending a copy of this to GM Kim Jin Pal by mail.

Michael Lok is no longer a part of Jin Pal Hapkido. His actions have (are) caused (ing) harm to GM Kim and Jin Pal Hapkido. Master Thomas Lok is a direct student of GM Kim, Michael is not. Only certified instructors are authorized to use the Jin Pal Hapkido name and image and all that it entails and to teach the Jin Pal Hapkido curriculum.

If we are going to talk about respect to past instructors - Michael and his students should be showing respect to Master Thomas Lok.

GM Kim is aware of Michael's actions - He has asked that no one bad mouth Michael. Praising Master Thomas Lok is not bashing Michael.

I highly recommend that anyone in the Vancouver/ Richmond area check out Mater Thomas Lok's new Jin Pal Hapkido Dojang.
Hey !
I am sooooo happy to hear that Eugenia and the Vancouver crew are training again ! I'm hoping to get out to Richmond for the grand opening along with your si-hings Ray and Jaret.
The Richmond studio has the makings of a fantastic dojang, not only do you have Master Thomas Lok but his boys Billy and Chris, those two are friggen incredible Hapkido-ists
Stay Positive. Focus on training and helping Master Thomas promote Jin Pal Hapkido in Canada. We have something very special that can not be tainted by anyone...no matter how hard they try.

Si-hing Dave
Very interesting comments!

First off Hapkido skills and techniques are taught by an instructor and the instructor is instrumental in the eventual mastering of such skills and techniques. It only follows that skill, technique are synonymous with instruction. So my comments are directly related to skills and techniques.

It would appear that you have taken my posting very personally so I can only guess as to your identity, much like you have done about mine. A shame you donÂ’t have the courage to include your name, but from the tone of your posting it is not hard for anyone to figure out who you are. :wink2:

Now to comment about “I will not debate this issue in public”. Perhaps you don’t understand the meaning of the word “Forum”. A “Forum” is designed to allow for the free flow of information and as such it is expected that there will be comments, opinions and beliefs that are not going to be agreed upon by all persons who participate in the forum.

By opening a debate then refusing to debate is a sign that you donÂ’t have the courage of your convictions. That being said I donÂ’t expect this forum will hear from you again.

In the end I am studying with a Master who I feel has the best interests of his students and the best interest of Hapkido as his primary focus. Check him out at the address in my initial post.

Ciao for now. :boing1:

It has been so many years already. Let it go, we can all be friends :) Please, don't let this carry on any further. This is unnecessary~ There are good times and bad times, but how can you forget all the good times we have? It is irreplaceable anyhow.

Alex from Miami~ :)
hi i am currently studying under master michael lok. i am just wondering what happen bfore?? when i was doin my research on master lok i had friends that told me long ago there were once that a lot of student left him at once i was wondering what happen?? and are master michael lok and master thomas lok related?? cuz they look alot alike. further more aren't they suppose to be originate from grand master pal??? whats the difference between both masters loks?? it has been bugging me ever since i find this post please someone help me out...
Master Thomas Lok and Michael Lok are brothers. Master Thomas Lok is the President of Jin Pal Hapkido Canada. Master Thomas Lok is a direct student of Grandmaster Kim Jin Pal and has been from GM's days in Hong Kong.

Michael Lok was a student of Thomas Lok. He is no longer a member of Jin Pal Hapkido. He is not authorized to teach Jin Pal Hapkido nor are his students part of Jin Pal Hapkido. I do not know if he has been authorized by another governing body or if he has a new Grandmaster or not.

I hope that answers your questions and I hope you enjoy your training.
Well I think we are under the banner of Korean New Martial Arts Hapkido Federation. The training is alright i guess cuz i never train with any other martial arts before so I cant compare which is kinda frustrating but i just want to find out why are ppl trying to implicate one is better than the other and is one actually better than the other?? I am not trying to take sides but rather trying to see things in more objective kind of ways. If something happen from b4 which is unethical resulting anyone getting disciplinary actions I think as a student I should have a right to know or at least a heads up from someone thats helpful. I just don't want to get thrown under the bus or spend all this time and money on training that end up not getting recognize by major federations of hapkido.
Hey Ryan, my name is Dave Gaitens. I've been a student of Master Thomas Lok's for 14 years. I have trained with your current instructor and have done many demonstrations and seminars at his studio when he was a part of our Federation. Your current instructor has no respect for anyone, least of all his older brother who taught him all he knows about Hapkido, he is not recognized by any Federation and unfortunately is trying to defame Master Thomas Lok's name.
I recommend you go to Master Thomas Lok's dojang and speak to him directly...and respectfully, he is a legitamate 8th Dan. Master Thomas Lok is the real deal with a very long list of people who hold him in the highest regard. Why ? Because his focus is on Hapkido, not money. If you ask Master Thomas what he gets out of teaching his response will be...and I quote "my reward is not money, it is seeing my students do well."
You will also find his dojang is clean, has change rooms, certified black belt instructors and you will never see him drive away in a brand new BMW leaving a color belt to teach his classes.
Ditto to what Dave said - ( Hi Dave - Brian from DC :) Hope things are good in Regina )

Just wanted to add that the Korean New Martial Arts Hapkido Federation is the old KHA under Hwang Deuk Kyu- Grandmaster Kim Jin Pal is the international director of the organization. Michael Lok's certification from that organization has been revoked as well. All ties to Jin Pal Hapkido and its affiliates have been severed.

I would also suggest going to Master Thomas Lok's Studio and seeing for yourself. Try a class or 2 and then you can compare for yourself. I would be very surprised if you didn't see a marked difference.
So how many federations are there in total?? I mean the more major ones?? Because I remember seeing other federations certificates hanging on top of the mirrors. Does that mean even if I am like a red or brown belt at my current dojang I wont b recognize anywhere I go???
Plus my situation is awkward too cuz just paid $$ for lengthy period of time in the beginning of this yr.. T-T"""" not trying to take away anything from my current instructor...
I am kinda stuck in a situation then. On one hand I really want to explore my option(s) but on the other hand what if by chance I find myself intrigue by the option(s) that I find? I guess refund would be totally out of the question(sigh
...) plus more importantly I am somewhat force to stay at a place that I am not so interested anymore.
Again have to stress that I am not trying to put down my own instructor although I cant compare with anyone else but so far to me he seems to be a nice guy to us and he actually stays and teaches us techniques(at least on my class). In case there are ppl from my dojang are reading this post. I guess until the day that I leave(if the day do come) I have to keep my opinion very very open....
Hey Ryan, my name is Dave Gaitens. I've been a student of Master Thomas Lok's for 14 years. I have trained with your current instructor and have done many demonstrations and seminars at his studio when he was a part of our Federation. Your current instructor has no respect for anyone, least of all his older brother who taught him all he knows about Hapkido, he is not recognized by any Federation and unfortunately is trying to defame Master Thomas Lok's name.
I recommend you go to Master Thomas Lok's dojang and speak to him directly...and respectfully, he is a legitamate 8th Dan. Master Thomas Lok is the real deal with a very long list of people who hold him in the highest regard. Why ? Because his focus is on Hapkido, not money. If you ask Master Thomas what he gets out of teaching his response will be...and I quote "my reward is not money, it is seeing my students do well."
You will also find his dojang is clean, has change rooms, certified black belt instructors and you will never see him drive away in a brand new BMW leaving a color belt to teach his classes.

Hey Dave, hows it going? I haven't seen you in a while :). I was the original 3 black belts of the Vancouver branch and went to Korea to train with everyone. Dave, we know each other and I know that we both have no ill interest and truly believes in for each of their own. I have only one question though as to why Master Thomas Lok is moving to Vancouver to teach? For the focus on Hapkido? Not at all for the SLIGHTLY in part because there is more students in Vancouver and can make more money? I'm not trying to defame anyone. I'm an accountant now living in Miami, I wouldn't lose the slightest respect for anyone for making a living. Sifu M Lok taught me much more than Hapkido. He worked really hard for his new BMW. I was there when the studio opened in a small corner and no one wants to make a comment about how many years we spend building up student bases? I had times where I was the ONLY student there at night. We started from rags. Please, we all respected Thomas Lok, MML always spoke highly of him. Don't let the subjective and hearsay get into you. Go and verify everything you see. As I would like to put it, AUDIT all that you hear from and cross reference. Outside source is always more reliable than internal sources. Also, don't let how successful Sifu is meaning he doesn't do anything. Sifu had many businesses and was successful in them some what to the point that not all money was made from the studio. We tooked baby steps to get to this studio and for Sifu to be successful. He deserves a BMW. I would love to train with you, do demonstrations with you guys and learn from you all. Everyone from Regina was really cool. But please, leave the personal bias at home and just do our best. No hard feelings.

Alex Lin
So how many federations are there in total?? I mean the more major ones?? Because I remember seeing other federations certificates hanging on top of the mirrors. Does that mean even if I am like a red or brown belt at my current dojang I wont b recognize anywhere I go???
Plus my situation is awkward too cuz just paid $$ for lengthy period of time in the beginning of this yr.. T-T"""" not trying to take away anything from my current instructor...
I am kinda stuck in a situation then. On one hand I really want to explore my option(s) but on the other hand what if by chance I find myself intrigue by the option(s) that I find? I guess refund would be totally out of the question(sigh
...) plus more importantly I am somewhat force to stay at a place that I am not so interested anymore.
Again have to stress that I am not trying to put down my own instructor although I cant compare with anyone else but so far to me he seems to be a nice guy to us and he actually stays and teaches us techniques(at least on my class). In case there are ppl from my dojang are reading this post. I guess until the day that I leave(if the day do come) I have to keep my opinion very very open....

Please see independent information and get to know the situation :)
Alex. I'm not an accountant so can you help me with this ?

The individual being discussed hides behind a fake name to make comments and threats against former students.
The individual being discussed is in the process of trying to secure the rights to the Jin Pal Hapkido logo that was founded by GrandMaster Kim.
The individual being discussed had a lawyer draft a letter accusing Master Thomas Lok of steal potential business.
The individual being discussed made phony belt certificates and gave them to his students knowing full well they were worthless.
The individual being discussed kept money from Lion dances, demonstrations and seminars and gave a pathetic percentage to those involved...of which I was one many times. Alex you might remember the Grand Opening of that mall in Vancouver, I blew my knee out doing Eagle catches prey...GrandMaster Kim came to my room afterwards to check on me....the individual being discussed couldn't be bothered, even though we all came out to support his studio, spent the entire weekend doing demo's and seminars of which he charged every participant but he did no instructing....where'd that money go....hhhmmm, those sure are shiny tires.
The individual being discussed went to Europe and demanded of an 8th Dan Master to have a room ready for him upon his arrival then when he got there took it upon himself to engage in an interview that was originally set up for GrandMaster Bong Soo Han with a local magazine not once mentioning his Master or GrandMaster.
The individual being discussed claims he is the only one that should have the title Sifu Lok, yet Master Thomas Lok was his Sifu and will always be his senior in many respects.
Now Alex, this is where I need your help....my math isn't good. Being an accountant do the above actions add up to someone who is a good person, has his ego in check, respect for his seniors, and some one who has Hapkido as his main focus...are these the actions of a Master of anything let alone Hapkido ?
I've been around since the individual in question was still training in Regina. My comments are factual, not pulled out of thin air. It is not a huge conspiracy against the individual being discussed, there is a reason that people with credentials like Grand Master Kim and Master Thomas Lok do not want to be associated with him.
I'm sick of the attempts to discredit Master Thomas Lok, he has given his life to the martial arts and asks nothing more than for his students to train hard so that they will be able to pass on the knowledge they have gained.
So how many federations are there in total?? I mean the more major ones?? Because I remember seeing other federations certificates hanging on top of the mirrors. Does that mean even if I am like a red or brown belt at my current dojang I wont b recognize anywhere I go???

Here is a list of Hapkido organizations -


As for your rank being recognized - every organization is different. Most will evaluate you and see what they think your skill level is and place you there (where you are in their eyes) if you join their organization. Usually you will have to learn their curriculum up to your rank before you can test again.

At this point I wouldn't worry about it - esp if are staying where you are. Only if you are planning to switch organizations is this an issue. At seminars or if you are a guest at another dojang rank is not an issue. The Hapkido community is pretty friendly for the most part. Forums sometimes don't give that impression but everyone I've ever met face to face has been cool.

I do think you owe it to yourself to check out Master Thomas Lok's Dojang just so you have a comparison.
Alex. I'm not an accountant so can you help me with this ?

The individual being discussed hides behind a fake name to make comments and threats against former students.
The individual being discussed is in the process of trying to secure the rights to the Jin Pal Hapkido logo that was founded by GrandMaster Kim.
The individual being discussed had a lawyer draft a letter accusing Master Thomas Lok of steal potential business.
The individual being discussed made phony belt certificates and gave them to his students knowing full well they were worthless.
The individual being discussed kept money from Lion dances, demonstrations and seminars and gave a pathetic percentage to those involved...of which I was one many times. Alex you might remember the Grand Opening of that mall in Vancouver, I blew my knee out doing Eagle catches prey...GrandMaster Kim came to my room afterwards to check on me....the individual being discussed couldn't be bothered, even though we all came out to support his studio, spent the entire weekend doing demo's and seminars of which he charged every participant but he did no instructing....where'd that money go....hhhmmm, those sure are shiny tires.
The individual being discussed went to Europe and demanded of an 8th Dan Master to have a room ready for him upon his arrival then when he got there took it upon himself to engage in an interview that was originally set up for GrandMaster Bong Soo Han with a local magazine not once mentioning his Master or GrandMaster.
The individual being discussed claims he is the only one that should have the title Sifu Lok, yet Master Thomas Lok was his Sifu and will always be his senior in many respects.
Now Alex, this is where I need your help....my math isn't good. Being an accountant do the above actions add up to someone who is a good person, has his ego in check, respect for his seniors, and some one who has Hapkido as his main focus...are these the actions of a Master of anything let alone Hapkido ?
I've been around since the individual in question was still training in Regina. My comments are factual, not pulled out of thin air. It is not a huge conspiracy against the individual being discussed, there is a reason that people with credentials like Grand Master Kim and Master Thomas Lok do not want to be associated with him.
I'm sick of the attempts to discredit Master Thomas Lok, he has given his life to the martial arts and asks nothing more than for his students to train hard so that they will be able to pass on the knowledge they have gained.

This is called preservation of Goodwill. In another words, protecting the turf. I do not think the preservation of goodwill due to the circumstances (Master Thomas Lok coming to Vancouver to compete). This is common reaction of an incumbent, and a business self-defense technique. Wouldn't matter to Thomas Lok if he didn't teach in Vancouver. For instance, if Master Michael Lok did not come to Vancouver to teach 12 years ago, and gain of much publicity. No one would know Thomas Lok. TL will have to start from scratch. What right does he have to build upon the student base of his previous branch to do business? For example, I allow a coffee franchise to open in Vancouver and the headquarter is in Regina. Vancouver does really well, Regina wants a better profit sharing. When then it was decided to enter themselves first by KICKING out the Vancouver franchise and proceed to open a Hapkido studio. If you take names out and use Company A and Company B in place, you would think this is a very shaddy transaction. All of a sudden, you say it is Jin Pal Hapkido, Master Thomas Lok and it sounds okay to you? We cannot argue that Michael didn't used Jin Pal to start. He paid his part for using Jin Pal during those period. It doesn't matter what the aftermath is because during that time, he did his things and paid his due. In the end, do you still realize in substance, Master Thomas Lok capitalized on Michael Lok's business? I got emails of MTL opening a new studio from TLok long ago, doesn't this prove the outreach? Where did Master Thomas Lok open his studio? Didn't he open in front of another studio? Even if Master Michael Lok is disrespectful etc. It doesn't mean the above can be done to him. It is bullying.

Care to elaborate why Michael Lok is kicked out? Because he disrespected everyone? What motives does he have doing so? It doesn't seem to be better business motive to be kicked out. Let us analyze the business motive of Thomas Lok coming into Vancouver AFTER Michael Lok is kicked out? Once again, we are all people with lives to live. There is no problem making a living out of Hapkido. In fact, I encourage it. However, to say Master Michael Lok is not a good person for protecting business, then I guess Research In Motion, Nortel Networks, Bombardier, Ebay, Microsoft is all bad individuals because they will not hestitate to defend themselves. If you like to associate for profit as a bad thing, I don't mind. Everyone knows that Hapkido ain't a charity obviously. Master Michael Lok is not cheating anyone, in Vancouver, there aint that many people in the same calibre of teaching.

For lion dances, no one forced anyone to do any lion dances. You know what is coming, you wanted to do it, you get whatever. For me, lion dance is traditional culture and I would do it for free (the effort was not worth the money, I did 3~4 years in a row:)) But the fun of it. If you would think of it rather simple, you don't have to do it.

I did not say Master Michael Lok is the best person in the world or he is the most respectful, but he does his part. Dave, I was there when you blew your knee and I felt really awful about it. Master Thomas Lok was a great teacher, I respect him whole-heartedly. No one discredited hereThomas Lok at all. I didn't, the anonymous person didn't. View it all you want, but if you replace every names of the studio with A, B and Cs, it would seem like the act of business perservation for a reasonable person. When in fact, Master Michael Lok's studio is being provoked. I AM NOT JUDGING WHO IS RIGHT OR WRONG. Michael can be wrong. But unbiased analysis would look this way.

Alex Lin
Alex I think you are misrepresenting the situation - Michael Lok has not been a member of Jin Pal Hapkido since 2005 (see earlier post this thread). The motivation for his dismissal was his behavior not any grand take over scheme. The dismissal was 3 years ago. Master Thomas Lok moved only late last year.

Michael has done things to discredit Master Thomas Lok and Grandmaster Kim.

Trying to steal the logo by copy writing it is not self protection - it is the federation's logo ( it is a picture of GM KIm kicking -see Dave's icon ) he has no right to it not being a part of Jin Pal Hapkido. He still also invokes GM Kim Jin Pal in his Marketing Material. The Federation has made it clear that it wants to have no more to do with Michael.

I can appreciate your loyalty to Michael but the facts do not support your conclusions. I do not know how long you have been in Fla. but Michael has been responsible for some less then ethical maneuvers.
You still haven't grasped the concept of respect have you, Alex.
Let's just forget all the things the individual we are discussing has done...you fall on your head? Martial Arts....code of conduct...did you ever read your hand book?
Do you really beleive that Master Thomas Lok would much rather have his younger, less competent(I had to teach your instructor the red belt curriculum)brother as a foe ? Alex you obviously are unaware of many other things the individual we are discussing has done that nothing can justify, business or otherwise and Master Thomas Lok has not retalliated.
The individual we are discussing did not decide to branch out he was kicked out because he refused to be honest and continued to be disrespectful in his actions to GrandMaster Kim and Master Thomas Lok AND STILL continues to lie about his affiliation.
Business wise from your point of view Burger King would be suing McDonalds for being across the street....is the individual we are discussing upset about the virtual cornocopia of other martial arts in the same area ?
.....so the individual we are discussing has the right to try and own the Jin Pal Hapkido Federation logo???
Please, if you don't mind can you explain that to me?
Well to be fair, well at first I check out MML dojang and ask him about hapkido and the differences between it n other martial arts he did in a way or the other more or less discredit a lot of other Master in other martial arts some naming names some didnt. I dont know if that would be view as a sell pitch or just pure discreditation in you guys eyes. After I've been in there for a while though i have to say that MML is a very proud person(some may say self center and others simply define it as arrogant). I just want to know what happen from before?? Was it true that at one point a lot of student just simply stood up and all left??

OH and do you guys know that his son is one of the assistant now 1st Dan black belt.