You still haven't grasped the concept of respect have you, Alex.
Let's just forget all the things the individual we are discussing has fall on your head? Martial Arts....code of conduct...did you ever read your hand book?
Do you really beleive that Master Thomas Lok would much rather have his younger, less competent(I had to teach your instructor the red belt curriculum)brother as a foe ? Alex you obviously are unaware of many other things the individual we are discussing has done that nothing can justify, business or otherwise and Master Thomas Lok has not retalliated.
The individual we are discussing did not decide to branch out he was kicked out because he refused to be honest and continued to be disrespectful in his actions to GrandMaster Kim and Master Thomas Lok AND STILL continues to lie about his affiliation.
Business wise from your point of view Burger King would be suing McDonalds for being across the the individual we are discussing upset about the virtual cornocopia of other martial arts in the same area ? the individual we are discussing has the right to try and own the Jin Pal Hapkido Federation logo???
Please, if you don't mind can you explain that to me?
In my situation, Burger King would be suing McDonalds definitely, if Burger King was a franchise of McDonalds, and McDonalds kicked Burger King out and then proceed to open up a restaurant. Competition is not cannibalization. However, if Burger King and McDonalds were different, and they came up with their own IP. It is competition.
As I have said, I analyzed the situation in an objective way. Respect is very subjective. I am not going to go into an argument about respect as I have said I respect both Master Thomas Lok and you Dave. What I have suggested, is only in the most objective manner of the siutation.
The core of my argument here lies why Master Thomas Lok is coming to Vancouver to teach. Focus on Hapkido can be anywhere. Why come to a place where he would be barred to do business with complication (that is given)? Then afterwards, wouldn't it be expected already with Master Michael Lok to defend its turf?
This is what I'm saying. Lets respect each other, but if Master Thomas Lok goes into Vancouver, he for sure knows because of the PREVIOUS affliation and how Michael introduced Hapkido into Vancouver and how Master Thomas Lok approached previous students will be problem. You still haven't faced my replies. You say that MML did all these things, but weren't it already expected, in the light of business, to be done? Please refrain from using personal remarks like competent, dishonest, and disrespectful. As I have said in the beginning, I'm not here to create a flame war. I did not use any words against Master Thomas Lok and Master Michael Lok and you Dave. However, you keep on saying things about MML. Furthermore, I don't even live in Vancouver, I live so far from it.
On a lighter note, Burger King is headquartered in Miami and started here

Edit: I forgot to address the Jin Pal Logo thing. Please see Kumbajah as I have addressed there.