JetBlue Asks To See WomanÂ’s Panties

Bob Hubbard

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Malinda Knowles, 27, claims in a Queens Supreme Court lawsuit that a JetBlue supervisor put a walkie-talkie between her legs to see what she had on under her baggy T-shirt.
“He said, ‘I don’t want to see your panties or anything but do you have any on?’” Knowles recalled yesterday.
“I didn’t want to show him anything. He wanted me to basically show him my crotch. I was completely humiliated. It was vulgar. It was macho. It was rude.”

I like looking at women wearing panties too but there's a time and a place for it ya know? Sheesh.

Maybe the guy wanted to work for the TSA... ya never know.
Leaving aside the oddness of the story and the questionable reasons for legal action, why on earth would anyone care if the lady in question was 'undergarmented' or not?
Leaving aside the oddness of the story and the questionable reasons for legal action, why on earth would anyone care if the lady in question was 'undergarmented' or not?

Some people are afraid of cats?
How was a "walkie-talkie" supposed to tell if she was wearing underwear, or anything else. Was she going to have to fart and have someone listen for muffling? (Or worse...)

Sounds like the supervisor was WAY out of line. I can kind of understand the concern for some hygiene reasons (someone else is going to have to use that seat soon...) but unless there is some reason (other than a baggie t-shirt -- and would they have checked if she was wearing a skirt or sundress instead of a baggie t-shirt) to suspect... It ain't there job to be checking!
How was a "walkie-talkie" supposed to tell if she was wearing underwear, or anything else. Was she going to have to fart and have someone listen for muffling? (Or worse...)

Sounds like the supervisor was WAY out of line. I can kind of understand the concern for some hygiene reasons (someone else is going to have to use that seat soon...) but unless there is some reason (other than a baggie t-shirt -- and would they have checked if she was wearing a skirt or sundress instead of a baggie t-shirt) to suspect... It ain't there job to be checking!

I suspect he pointed or gestured with the antenae and the description given is typical law-suit hyperbole. Much like Bobs choice of title for this thread, which directly contradicts the information posted...

Other women have been asked to leave flights when they wore something in which it would not be possible to sit without flashing other passengers. Unless it's an all adult flight, that's not entirely unreasonable. How long was the "baggy t-shirt"?

I recall one case in which the womans case was tossed out of court after she wore the same outfit to court and exposed herself to the judge.

On the other hand, I've done my best to confince my hot wife that when we vist the carribean, there are local laws prohibiting hot women from wearing any sort of undergarment. This will not be helping my case...
Ehh.......I think something stinks about this story.

She's a young woman in her late 20s, and a financial consultant from Manhattan. OK, the day she goes to Florida, she's not dressed in her Wall Street best. A lot of people that go to Florida aren't in their Wall Street best. If I were getting on a plane to Florida in July, I wouldn't be either...even if I was going to work. What were people saying about the Sky Marshals? On a Chicago to Tampa flight they were the only guys wearing suits on the plane? Caption in the lower photo says that's her before she gets on the plane. That's a dress code violation for flying out of La Guardia to a nearly tropical place?


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