I'll take the loop holes, until they close them, then I'll find some more.
Or they'll shoot me.
Agreed, but remember, if we don't do this crapping, if we don't molest the kids and harass you and go through all this theater, the "terrorists will win" and in 20 years we might have another plane hijacked, so surely inconveniencing and molesting millions is worth it.
As to searches, of course they can. Cop stops you just needs 'probable cause', and it's your word against the 4 responding cars as to what was 'in plain sight'. We've already established that a cop can issue unlawful orders, destroy evidence, steal property and even assault you should you point a deadly camera at him. Never mind those actions will in 5-6 years get you a nice $100k pay out. Remember, it's in your best interests to shut up, obey, conform. Because if you don't, the criminals will win.
A bit of sarcasm there. But under it, truth. Those with power, intent on doing wrong, will always find a way to do it. The idea that walking through a set of doors suddenly removes my right to anything, is insane. I signed no papers. I gave no verbal consent. My refusal to subject myself to irradiation from machines with questionable safety does not make me a risk. My refusal to trust liars about such things doesn't make me a risk. The truth is, there is little risk. The procedures that were in place on 9-11-01 were adequate to stop the majority of risks.
What were the hijackers weapons? Box cutters. I have about 1,000,000 of these from my days as a stock boy.
Not guns, knives or explosives. Box cutters.
Why did things get ugly? Because hijackers prior to 9/11 wanted to make political statements, get a free ride to Cuba. They didn't become suicide weapons.
All the extra stuff at the airports, all the precautions, all the delays, the nudiscans, the rub downs, the kids deprived of sippy cups and the old women deprived of their yogurt, and -thousands- of weapons are still getting through, due to poorly trained screeners using ineffective techniques on equipment they can't run right.
To be blunt, 9/11 could happen again today, because -nothing- being done by the asshat TSA would stop it. Not a Bob damn thing.
But, since no more planes have hit any more buildings, it must be working, so lets expand into other things and screen bus riders -AFTER- they get off the bus.
Hey, lets pat them down in the parking lot before they get into their cars.
Makes as much sense.
But we'll allow it because we're fricken sheep.
America's lost it's bollocks.