Senior Master
Been out a few days, but I'm really surprised this has not been mentioned.
Jesse Jackson says he wants to "cut Obama's nuts off".
Is it possible Obama is not so loved by the black community? I seem to recall similar verbage from Bill Cosby when he said similar things...
I find these remarks somewhere between rude and humorous... He later apologized, but geez, thats not something you can exactly take back!
Is this possibly also jealousy? Since Jackson has had failed presidential bids in the past?
Jesse Jackson says he wants to "cut Obama's nuts off".
In a vulgar tirade caught on tape by Fox News, the Rev. Jesse Jackson said he wanted to "cut his [Barack Obama's] nuts out" and he accused the fellow Chicagoan of "talking down to black folks" by giving moral lectures to African-Americans, source said Jackson's shocking quotes were picked up by a hot mic before an interview on health care in Fox's Chicago studio last Sunday
Is it possible Obama is not so loved by the black community? I seem to recall similar verbage from Bill Cosby when he said similar things...
I find these remarks somewhere between rude and humorous... He later apologized, but geez, thats not something you can exactly take back!
Is this possibly also jealousy? Since Jackson has had failed presidential bids in the past?