Jesse Jackson, and his affection for Obama


Senior Master
Been out a few days, but I'm really surprised this has not been mentioned.

Jesse Jackson says he wants to "cut Obama's nuts off".

In a vulgar tirade caught on tape by Fox News, the Rev. Jesse Jackson said he wanted to "cut his [Barack Obama's] nuts out" and he accused the fellow Chicagoan of "talking down to black folks" by giving moral lectures to African-Americans, source said Jackson's shocking quotes were picked up by a hot mic before an interview on health care in Fox's Chicago studio last Sunday

Is it possible Obama is not so loved by the black community? I seem to recall similar verbage from Bill Cosby when he said similar things...

I find these remarks somewhere between rude and humorous... He later apologized, but geez, thats not something you can exactly take back!

Is this possibly also jealousy? Since Jackson has had failed presidential bids in the past?
no, more than likely what we saw in the Rev Jackson was pure, unbridled jealous rage. With an added touch of fear.

jealous rage because Barack is doing what jackson failed to do twice. jackson tried to run for the presidency in 84 and 88, and failed, utterly and miserably both times.

Jackson, who make his living stirring up the black folks and reminding them how bad they have it in America will be out of a job if America elects a Black President. You cant tell people that they are being held back when one of them is the most powerful man on the planet......
no, more than likely what we saw in the Rev Jackson was pure, unbridled jealous rage. With an added touch of fear.

jealous rage because Barack is doing what jackson failed to do twice. jackson tried to run for the presidency in 84 and 88, and failed, utterly and miserably both times.

Jackson, who make his living stirring up the black folks and reminding them how bad they have it in America will be out of a job if America elects a Black President. You cant tell people that they are being held back when one of them is the most powerful man on the planet......

Back in 1992, Bill Clinton was criticized by Jackson for his criticism of rapper Sister Souljah. In the end, Jackson's criticism of Clinton did more for him, both among white and black voters, than it did against him. A more cynical view of Jackson's apparently candid remarks, is that they were made deliberately, in an attempt to provide Obama with a positive boost among white voters." I mean, if Jesse Jackson doesn't like him, he can't be all bad...maybe I should take another look at him." Not saying that that's what happened here, but it is a rather convoluted and Machiavellian possibilty......

....of course, Jesse Jackson is a first class nit. Has been since he deliberately soaked his shirt in "Martin Luther King's" blood right after he was shot......
Is this true? If so, I've never heard THAT

Jackson manipulated everyone in the movement who was there-told them not to talk to the press. When MLK was shot, he was in the parking lot talking to band members, not on the balcony. He ran and hid in the swimming pool area of the hotel. Later, he appeared on TV with a blood soaked shirt, saying that Martin had died in his arms, which just wasn't true. Where the blood came from, who knows? It may have been Martin's from the balcony (there was A LOT of blood lost, from what I'm told) or it may have been chicken blood...... alot of this comes from Ralph Abernathy, MLK's successor for leadership of the SCLC, and someone who was on the balcony immediately after Martin was shot.

Jesse Jackson is an INCREDIBLE liar....
Jesse Jackson is an INCREDIBLE liar....

true, but Sharpton is no better, Tawana Brawley anyone?

The best person out there today looking out for the best interest of the black community in America is Bill Cosby, and no one wants to hear what he is saying.
The best person out there today looking out for the best interest of the black community in America is Bill Cosby
in your opinion
, and no one wants to hear what he is saying.

Define "no one." He wasn't the first to say those things, won't be the last, and lots of people (obviously) did and do hear him......
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Define "no one." He wasn't the first to say those things, won't be the last, and lots of people (obviously) did and do hear him......
I don't know about "no one." I do know that when I was a young voter, Jackson suckered me into voting for him as a presidential candidate. After he lost, he sure sounded like he was blaming his loss on the racism of the white voters...Then there was the Hymie-town thing...then the 'blackmailing' of companies that his group would threaten to boycott for racism unless they donated money to his org...then...

He did lose all credibility with me...I should have known better in the first place.
Jackson manipulated everyone in the movement who was there-told them not to talk to the press. When MLK was shot, he was in the parking lot talking to band members, not on the balcony. He ran and hid in the swimming pool area of the hotel. Later, he appeared on TV with a blood soaked shirt, saying that Martin had died in his arms, which just wasn't true. Where the blood came from, who knows? It may have been Martin's from the balcony (there was A LOT of blood lost, from what I'm told) or it may have been chicken blood...... alot of this comes from Ralph Abernathy, MLK's successor for leadership of the SCLC, and someone who was on the balcony immediately after Martin was shot.

Jesse Jackson is an INCREDIBLE liar....

Are you saying this news report is false?

The assassination of Martin Luther King was a ragic moment for many African Americans. Catherine Spencer, my grandmother, was a prominent, dedicated supporter of Marin Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement. King was assasinated on April 4, 1968 on the balcony of an African American hotel while protesting civil rights. King was shot in the neck while standing with Reverend Jesse Jackson and Ralph Abernathy.
It's a ploy. I think Jesse and St Barack know that this will poll well amongst those who consider "Shakedown" Jackson an contemptible waste of carbon.
It's a ploy. I think Jesse and St Barack know that this will poll well amongst those who consider "Shakedown" Jackson an contemptible waste of carbon.
I contemplated that.. I doubt that those Jackson haters are instantly going to start embracing Obama based on a remark from Jackson. I do, however, wonder how they black community will take it. I'm not sure how devoted they are to Jackson, or if this will in any way alter their views of Obama...
i dont think so, and here is why

Jackson's ego is WAY too big for him to take a big negative reputation hit like this on purpose.
Are you saying this news report is false?

The assassination of Martin Luther King was a ragic moment for many African Americans. Catherine Spencer, my grandmother, was a prominent, dedicated supporter of Marin Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement. King was assasinated on April 4, 1968 on the balcony of an African American hotel while protesting civil rights. King was shot in the neck while standing with Reverend Jesse Jackson and Ralph Abernathy.

I would say it is inaccurate in parts. According to the most famous picture of the incident, Jackson was not on the balcony at the time - he was actually down in the parking lot.

Refer to this series of articles from Time Magazine and esp. the picture at the top of the page.

You can compare that picture to this one taken the day before the assassination, which does depict the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King on the balcony, flanked by Jessie Jackson on his right and the Rev. Ralph Abernathy on his left.
I would say it is inaccurate in parts. According to the most famous picture of the incident, Jackson was not on the balcony at the time - he was actually down in the parking lot.

Refer to this series of articles from Time Magazine and esp. the picture at the top of the page.

You can compare that picture to this one taken the day before the assassination, which does depict the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King on the balcony, flanked by Jessie Jackson on his right and the Rev. Ralph Abernathy on his left.
Thank you for the clarification. I remember seeing the photo a long time ago of Jackson on the balcony and just assumed it was taken shortly before the shooting. And the portion of the article I posted above was something I found on the internet.
You know what?
Expecting Jesse Jack$on to support Obama just because he is the first black candidate from one of the two major parties is racist in itself. Forcing that on Jack$on merely because Obama is black is JUST as wrong as saying anyone who doesn't want Obama to win hates black people.
(Playing Devil's advocate (or Jesse's as the case may be))
There could be a whole host of reasons that Jackson doesn't like Obama, and I for one, see no reason he would. I don't like Obama myself. But, I am a nobody, no one runs around expecting me to endorse Obama.
true, but Sharpton is no better, Tawana Brawley anyone?

The best person out there today looking out for the best interest of the black community in America is Bill Cosby, and no one wants to hear what he is saying.

We definately need more Bill Cosbys and fewer Sharptons and Jacksons.