Jelly Bellies - Ask me anything

Ceicei said:
What are the top five flavors? What are the five least preferred flavors? What is the most popular bag size people request? Have they discontinued any flavors lately?

- Ceicei

Oh, I missed the least preferred part.

I can tell you that Roasted Garlic, Jalapeno, Baked bean, and Buttered Toast are some of the unpopular ones but facts like "least popular" aren't the kind of things the Powers that Be at JB let us know.
Shaolinwind said:
Oh, I missed the least preferred part.

I can tell you that Roasted Garlic, Jalapeno, Baked bean, and Buttered Toast are some of the unpopular ones but facts like "least popular" aren't the kind of things the Powers that Be at JB let us know.
Well seems to me that the powers that be can add those unpopular ones to Bertie Botts. But they should have a habenero flavored one :D
MA-Caver said:
Well seems to me that the powers that be can add those unpopular ones to Bertie Botts. But they should have a habenero flavored one :D

The Jalapeno already kicks like a mule, believe it or not. It's my second favorite JB. And I really like the garlic, it's unique and fun. Mix it with Buttered toast and you get.. Yeah.. Garlic bread. Mmmm.
Shaolinwind said:
Real pureed pear. Natural pear flavor! Every flavor has a natural ingredient, except for the ones that are intrinsically non-natural, such as bubble gum or cotton candy. Real cherry in the Very Cherry, Real bananna in the Top Bananna, and real Ape in the Apricot.

You do realise that you're starting to sound like "Willy Wonka," right? Can I ever get a bag of jelly beans without the black ones? I can't stand those at all.
tkdgirl said:
You do realise that you're starting to sound like "Willy Wonka," right? Can I ever get a bag of jelly beans without the black ones? I can't stand those at all.

Send them to me! :D

What is the least popular Jelly Belly?
What are the most popular combinations that people simultaneously consume? Which ones are the tastiest combinations?
Grenadier said:
What are the most popular combinations that people simultaneously consume? Which ones are the tastiest combinations?

Peanut butter + Chocolate pudding = Peanut butter cup

2 orange sherbet and 1 vanilla = creamsicle

my fav 2 top bannana + 1 buttered popcorn + 1 cinnamon = bannana chips

2 cappucino, cream soda, chocolate pudding = tiramasu

just a few
tkdgirl said:
You do realise that you're starting to sound like "Willy Wonka," right? Can I ever get a bag of jelly beans without the black ones? I can't stand those at all.

Yes perhaps, but it was JB that sent out the Vernicious Knids to thin the Oompa Loompa population. It effectively crippled Wonka's slave labor work force for long enough to take control of the Jelly Bean market.

The black ones are going to be there if you like it or not. Buy individual flavors in bulk, crybaby. ;)
Shaolinwind said:
Ok, well I've been a tour guide at the Jelly Belly factory in Fairfield, CA for a couple months. I know more about jelly beans than the Easter Bunny. Ask me anything! I got all the facts & figures =)

OK guess this..

In which country is coconut the most popular flavor?

How many lbs of sugar do we use in one day?

How many jelly bellies will be eaten next year?

And another fun fact.. The Jelly Belly Bean is actually a Pastry.
Shaolinwind said:
OK guess this..

In which country is coconut the most popular flavor?

How many lbs of sugar do we use in one day?

How many jelly bellies will be eaten next year?

And another fun fact.. The Jelly Belly Bean is actually a Pastry.

btw..I am just guessing ;)


Really? A pastry? weird.
Shaolinwind said:
OK guess this..

In which country is coconut the most popular flavor?

How many lbs of sugar do we use in one day?

How many jelly bellies will be eaten next year?

And another fun fact.. The Jelly Belly Bean is actually a Pastry.

Should we be specific as possible?

I'm guessing over 4 tons of sugar everyday

and approximately 10 tons of jelly bellies world wide

umm Japan being crazy about coconut flavored? (do you have a Sushi line? :lol: )

by the way I think the one(s) with the closest answers should get a free bag of their favorite flavor in the mail... :uhyeah:

hey ... YOU started this... :lol:
MA-Caver said:
Should we be specific as possible?

I'm guessing over 4 tons of sugar everyday

and approximately 10 tons of jelly bellies world wide

umm Japan being crazy about coconut flavored? (do you have a Sushi line? :lol: )

by the way I think the one(s) with the closest answers should get a free bag of their favorite flavor in the mail... :uhyeah:

hey ... YOU started this... :lol:

1. Nope, more than 4 tons. 2. Not sure on the weight, I am thinking individual beans. DEFINATELY more than 10 tons. 3. Nope.

And yeah!! Let's keep this going. The first to answer the closest on any one of the questions gets free sample bags of the 49 varieties and the new Sport Bean!!

ALL HAIL THE EVIL AND POWERFUL JELLY BELLY OVERLORD! All will bow to his delicious fruit flavored center.

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