Jelly Belly atrocities exposed!


2nd Black Belt
I can't sit by and watch any longer.. The horrible things that go on in this company and the atrocities committed by Mr. Jelly Belly and his candy henchment must be stopped. I am convinced that Mr. JB is the Hitler of the modern world.

Cannibalistic infanticide, debauchery, torture, nothing is too low for this living jelly bean with a god complex. The corpses of jelly beans that dared challenge Very Cherry's position as the top flavor hang in the guest area as a stern warning. Enslaved beings, neither candy nor children but a fusion of the two play during visiting hours but at night they fall prey to the sick urges of the megalomaniacal confection.

But the worst is the wholesaling of millions of his own offspring, produced, smothered and printed with their logo and sent to candy stores around the world for you to eat. Mr. Jelly Belly and his minions are known to consume them as well. Very Cherry's are the only ones allowed to grow into adulthood, except a select few breeder jellybeans who are genetically altered and used to produce the many different flavors. Sure, you see tasty candy treats but you should see the failed experiments. Dr. Mengele did nothing compared to this.

The hoards of very cherry's are massing their resources and recieving training in order to one day take the world by storm. Were it not for the risk I've taken, the world might never know before it was too late. Click the link below to see more but be warned, knowing what I know can mean candy coating to you and your family.

I have to conclude this. I don't have much time le
AHHHHHHH!!!! My eyes! My mind! I will never be the same!
*flashbacks of Pink Floyd ~ The Wall* ....
stone_dragone said:
"Very Cherry is Watching you."


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