A few things, Bill...
First, the original Star Wars was very much based on other ideas and films, most notably a range of samurai films, including Kurosawa's "The Hidden Fortress", which gave the narrative structure (telling the story through the eyes of the lowest-rung characters against the backdrop of large-scale actions and events), and more. Next, The Seven Samurai has already been used by the Star Wars franchise, as a two-part episode of the animated Clone Wars series, completely transparently ripping Kurosawa's film off. Third, the article makes a number of mistakes (talking about the prospective, unconfirmed, even denied by Zack Snyder himself, Zack Snyder-helmed film as being the "first non-trilogy movie" meaning they've forgotten about the Clone Wars animated film, not being able to spell "katana", and so on), which, combined with the amount of speculation, and flat out denial, not to mention the idea that such a venture would simply be against the timeline already set out by Disney for the release of new films has me thinking this article is really nothing to be concerned about.