japanese inspired tattoos?

I have the kanji for "Masakatsu Agatsu" tattooed on my right arm

it means true victory is victory over yourself.
Well I don't have any tattoos (hate needles!), but I would like to share with you an absolutely true story about someone who decided to get a kanji on the top of each arm while on holiday. Now, they didn't want to end up with a mis-translation or anything, so they got the symbols checked and double checked by several reliable sources, including people fluent in Japanese. Once they were certain that the kanji were correct, they drew out the two symbols clearly on a piece of paper. Underneath one he wrote "right" and beneath the other "left" to signify which arm he wanted them tattooed on.

Long story short, he ended up with the kanji beautifully done and on the correct arms. But underneath each was tatooed the words "left" and "right" in plain block capitals. Guess he should have waited till he got home to an english-speaking tattoo artist...:lol:
Unfortunately, there's a lot of people walking around with Chinese/Japanese writing on them that does not mean what they think it does. :uhoh:

Your spot on there mate , my wife is Japanese and when we are out she will see somebody with a tattoo with japanese writing and she will start laughing to her self , and i say what are you laughing at , and she say's the words on that guys tattoo make absolutely no sense.

I wonder if asian people get tattoos with english writing on them that they don't understand.
I'm having a carp tattoed to my side. My friends doing it freehand for me. Looks good so far, a couple more sittings and it'll be done. I'll post a pic when it's done. Remember that dragons are born from carp. And carp are renowned for showing no emotion when they face the chefs knife. Very noble creatures.
I'm having a carp tattoed to my side. My friends doing it freehand for me. Looks good so far, a couple more sittings and it'll be done.
Ouch. From what I understand, the ribs are the worst place to get inked. Post some pics when it's done. Maybe I'll get there someday, but in the meantime I have ideas for another sleeve, a backpiece, and I'll go from there...
As I couldn't find anyone to cut an iron crucible with dragon and tiger (ala Kung Fu series) I opted for tatoos of Japanese terms that meant more to me.:)

I took copies of "fire" and "air" kanji from The Book of Five Rings, to a tatoo artist and he prepared templates before my visit.

They've been on my forearms now since God was a child and constantly remind me of my commitment to the arts.
I got my back done here in Japan a few years ago. A dragon. (see avatar)
Mostly by traditional hand methods but some machine needle work in the coloring.
Took 35 hrs all up.
I love it . the wife hates it!
Since getting it done though I've come to realise how much of a bad image tattoos have in main stream Japanese society.
I cant get inro public pools, onsen or health clubs.
They are frowned upon in budo circles also.
Still no regrets on my part.
If you don't mind me asking, how much did the tat on your back cost? I want to get very elaborate demon (bat wings) on my back but i have no idea on how much a tat like that will cost me. I want it to cover almost my entire back with it and I want it to look very realistic. I know it all depends on where I go and exactl what it will look like but I was hoping for a ballpark price. :uhyeah:

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