Jackson officers put lives on line to save man

Brian King

Master of Arts
Supporting Member
MT Mentor
Jackson officers put lives on line to save man

Yet another example of good police work, putting others before self, teamwork, perseverance equals job well done officers!


"Everyone was scared, but I knew I couldn't watch him burn to death or die of smoke inhalation," he said. "I just knew we had to get him out of there."

So, Horton took a deep breath and ran into the building, followed by Outland.

"You couldn't see, and it was so hot in there," Outland said. "We had to come back out."

But they didn't give up on getting the man. Horton said he got another big breath of air and went back inside the building. He grabbed the victim by the ankle and dragged him as far as he could, and Outland grabbed the other leg and they got him outside.”

“But Horton said that night he just kept thinking about how he'd want any other officer to react if it were his own house.

"I would want them to do the best they could to save my family," he said. "There's somebody somewhere that loves the guy in that apartment, and with the kind of heart I have, I can't just let someone die."

And Outland has the kind of heart that won't let his fellow officer face a dangerous situation alone.”

Brian King