I've been out of dojang


Senior Master
I've been out of dojanf forn a long time, I am not happy because this but I can't help it. I don't feel confy at dojang, yes I miss the kids, the parents, tkd, the one steps the ho si sul, and almost everithing but can not stand somethings the new boss has.

I am not so sure what I'm going to do, I went to visit my ex sabonim at Jido Kwan Headquarters and I went to visit a friend of mine who runs a sucessfull dojang too (sport oriented I must say).

It happens Manny. Keep your head up and it'll all work out. I was feeling the same way (of sorts) with my old school. I wasn't happy there and I took a few months off and now I've back at it with a WTF school and it's really helped recharge my batteries for training.
It happens Manny. Keep your head up and it'll all work out. I was feeling the same way (of sorts) with my old school. I wasn't happy there and I took a few months off and now I've back at it with a WTF school and it's really helped recharge my batteries for training.

Thank you for your suport, can you tell me wahta was wrong with you and your former dojang? I want to go back to dojang believe me but I know the moment I step inside I will start feeling upset and angry and will not give my best. I think i will take a few days more and rethink my situation and try to look forward to another place or martial art.

You mentioned a visit to your old teacher. My understanding is that this is NOT the person running your current school? Is returning to that school an option?
Many have gone through periods of time when working out at their school just did not feel correct. Most take a short break and reassess if they want to continue. Sometimes the environment within the school has changed: sometimes instructors have changed or certain aspects of the training. You need to know why it dose not feel right anymore then if this condition can be overcome or ignored go back, if not then you must look to a new training place
Yestarday the sabonim who own the dojang (not my actual master) contactme and asked me to go dojang to suport her and take care of the class, I went and she told me she was bussy packing all the stuff because she's moving to another location, so I took care of the pewees first and then in other class twop teens and two adult females. With the pewees I teach basics, they wanted to play/fool around but I am not that way and when the teens and adults arrived we did very light warmp up and poomsae, only poomsae.

I felt not all right, I was bored and without motivation, however I try to do my best, I felt heavy without energy but even these I'll try to be a nice sabon and took care of the class.

I think I am not motivated and tired.

Yes I went to visit my former master at Ji Do Kwan hedaquearters, I do visit him once in a while and had nice chats with him remebering the past, offcourse returning Ji Do Kwan can be a solution, however I'm not sure to leave my actual dojang/organization but as I wrote before I am bored and tired with no motavitaion at all.

El Manny
Go do something fun, I know you have dabbled in other martial arts, go do something that challenges you and that you find enjoyment in. You can keep up on your TKD on your own time and if you get the yearning for TKD then go back.

Lets face it, this is a hobby, this is not your job, why make your hobby a chore, that would be silly.
Thank you for your suport, can you tell me wahta was wrong with you and your former dojang? I want to go back to dojang believe me but I know the moment I step inside I will start feeling upset and angry and will not give my best. I think i will take a few days more and rethink my situation and try to look forward to another place or martial art.


For me it was mostly a financial issue, but I was also feeling burnt out there as well. There wasn't anything wrong per say with my dojang and my instructors it was mostly me. I was pretty torn about it, but it's been working out great for me and I'm enthusiastic about my training again.
Go do something fun, I know you have dabbled in other martial arts, go do something that challenges you and that you find enjoyment in. You can keep up on your TKD on your own time and if you get the yearning for TKD then go back.

Lets face it, this is a hobby, this is not your job, why make your hobby a chore, that would be silly.

Yes TKD is a hobby and a hobby that I love, well I love martial arts in genenral too. Maybe afther the moving out of the dojang to a new location can be something refreshing, maybe a setting of new goals can do it, all depends of how the boss want to set her goals including me I guess. Today I will go to dojang again and see what can I do, something Iove is to teach, this is motivating, however I have to pay attention to my health and try to lose some bacon and do exercise because I think the way I feel phisically is because of my weight and lack of stamina and flexibility.

Yes TKD is a hobby and a hobby that I love, well I love martial arts in genenral too. Maybe afther the moving out of the dojang to a new location can be something refreshing, maybe a setting of new goals can do it, all depends of how the boss want to set her goals including me I guess. Today I will go to dojang again and see what can I do, something Iove is to teach, this is motivating, however I have to pay attention to my health and try to lose some bacon and do exercise because I think the way I feel phisically is because of my weight and lack of stamina and flexibility.


yeah i can relate to you also. i love my dojang but there are things about it that i don't like. sometimes you just have to weigh your options and determine which outweighs which. I took this week off Taekwondo because my Grandmaster snapped at me and i got offended... i know he's the Grandmaster but that doesn't give him the right to disrespect his students. I'd say stick with it if it is a hobby that you love, we all get burned out from time to time. i can't tell you how many days i really did not feel like going to practice but after i did go to practice i was really happy i went. it relaxes me, boosts my mood, and makes my muscles sore, which i enjoy because it makes me feel like i'm getting in better shape! so yeah stick to it, even if you get burned out from time to time, keep going! you'll thank yourself in the end!
Im inside dojan rigth now, I mean I have atended to dojang to instruct the children and teens and one or two moms, I'm trying to do my best at instruction it's not so easy to keep the children focus but with respect and lots of exercise they understand with Sabon Manny nobody mess around. I've been doing poomsa mostly with the teens coupled with kicking drills. some times a little one steps.

El Manny

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