New adult class


Senior Master
Hi every one, afther some months out of TKD/dojang I went to visit the boss (the owner of the dojang) and had a light chat about her, her dojang, what's going on lately and that stuff. Sabonim told me she lost some students during the last months but she has grow about sport tkd and tournaments, she is working hard with another dojangs and with the local tkd association and she's getting good things about seminars and tournaments and her children are wining medals.

She askedto me teach two adult classes on tuesdays and thursdays nights from 8 pm to 9 pm and from 9 pm to 10 p.m., she wanted to me to be in charge of the adult class because wants clasic TKD to be taught to adults not interested in tournaments, maybe she will pay me for the classes. It seems some adult people aproached dojang ans she will open late nights for adults.

In the new adult class she wants basics, poomsae, one esteps, three steps, self defense and certainly kyorugi, she will cover the sport side of tkd in another classes.

I will take her ofert and see how will wok this, a few bucks are good for me and if she gives me carte blach maybe I could bring back the TKD I want.

El Manny
Good luck with the new class. I know that's the side of the art that you've been more interested in pursuing.
Good luck! We implemented an adult class several months ago. Our numbers are pretty low, but it's something I look forward to each week. We get to do more intense conditioning and advanced stuff (weapons) that we can't do with younger or lower ranking students. Keep us updated!
We have adult Hapkido classes, but no adult Taekwondo class. I'd like to start one, but the adults that do TKD are mostly parents doing it with their young kids, and they're all like "well, I'd like to have an adult class, but I could only do it at [some time when we already have a class in both classrooms]". I think eventually I'll be able to make something happen, but I don't know when.
We have an adult's class at 8pm on weekdays, and it gets about a dozen students maybe? But then just recently we also just started a lunchtime adults class that's T/W/H and it's proved to be fairly popular! The lunchtime class only just started a couple weeks ago and it's already up to a dozen adults and growing...mostly moms who have young kids in the evening kids' classes. So far they're all saying' they like it quite a lot: good exercise, fun. One mom said to me at the end of lunchtime class: "I've been having my son do this for the past two years...I had no idea it was such a workout!"
One more thought: the adult class could be a good way to test out drills you want to use with a larger class and/or with the kids. Friday night there were just four of us (and just me and my chief instructor during Saturday black belt class) so we played around with ideas that would improve sparring, reaction, and speed. We'll see if they actually work in the big class tonight!
...and we stretch and one-up each other about our aches and pains. It is an adult class, after all. :)

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