I see what you mean but if you were to tell me that I was too tense with my round kick I would work on making it looser, more relaxed. After some training I might ask you how Im doing since I want to see from the instructor's perspective how Im coming along with it. Its good to get instructor feedback. I also might ask if the round kick was good enough to pass on a test since the instructor sets the standards and would therefore know if my technique meets them.If you were to ask me these questions as your instructor, I would be disappointed, because I would have already taught you how to do those things, and we would have trained them together many many times over. I would expect you to understand and be able to visualise what a round kick should look like based on that training, and make your own efforts toward improving it. If you were for example too tense, I'd have told you that many times during our training. You wouldn't need to ask what to work on. You would just need to crack on and practice.
As I posted my friend did not get to 1st dan until he adequately improved his round kick. I don't see the failure on his part since all he did was what any student would have to do who wants to advance, he asked for the test form. It was than that the Sensei told him to work on his round kick. As for what was going through the student's mind at the time I don't know. Maybe he knew his round kick was lacking and had already been working on it but he didn't know that it still wasn't good enough to meet the Sensei's standards for black belt. This much is true though, the Sensei didn't wave a magic wand and automatically make the student's round kick better, the student made the round kick better himself by working on it. The student did end up testing and passing the next time because by then he had gotten his round kick up to the Sensei's standards and it was done through the student's own good hard work. So it was the student had to do the work not anybody else but the student alone so I don't see how that's spoon feeding.If you a) let yourself and b)your instructor lets you, get to first dan with a dodgy round kick, then something has failed in a) the training and b) the teaching.
Maybe it is too much focus on belt progress and testing, and not enough focus on actual training.
You're not going to get the belt without the training so if you want the belt you will have to focus on the training.