It's 5 o'clock somewhere! Pass the strong stuff!


Sr. Grandmaster
Was it last week? Hubby's grandmother went gaga, almost over night. I mean, she always hd a hangup about people taking her stuff and replacing it, or returning it after they wore it out (:rolleyes:)
But this time she went clearly off the deep end, imagining people on motorcycles like panthers circling her house, spraying chemicals and blowing pot smoke into her house...Eventually her daughter who is living with her called the ambulance: bleeding on the brain...Grandma won't be going back to her own house.
(all the other fun stuff associated with that, I am sure there is some turd yet to meet the fan...) But that's easy stuff.

On the other hand a week long ordeal with 'the kid' hit another low note this morning.
After the report card incident (not bringing it home, not telling the 3 Ds on there etc) and the continued homework trouble, the not practicing the instrument problem....I find the fundraiser in the folder this morning. The one that was to be turned in last week, for which I ran to the bank to get the cash, carried it to the school office, so he would have it, since it was the due date....
Now, consider the back history with the head honcho from the club the fundraiser was for, that was one thing I tried to avoid at all cost.

Tough luck though that they were handed another fund raiser, this time for prom. Through 8th graders can't go, I think the little stinker will need to pony up and sell some candles....

Pour me a Hurricane before I go insane.

At least it's Nano time....
Sounds like a rough patch for sure.

My wife's grandma is going through omething similiar. She was never a nice woman, but now she's twice as mean because she forgets she was mean to you the first time :) She was just kicked out of a home because after she cursed out every member of the staff she could, she went out into the parking lot and try to steal a car. Now mind you, she probably couldn't steal a car if someone left the keys in it and a map to get home, but I can understand the home not wanting one of the residents out checking car handles. She's putting the family through a lot. How you treat your family and friends when you are younger, definitley effects how much patience they have with you when you are old and nutters.
My grandfather did a stint in the hospital where he was a bit delusional. Turns out there is a known reaction in seniors with certain medications that cause them to hallucinate. Check into the meds and get 2-3 pharmacists opinions. I think it was pain killers or antibiotics that were the main culprit.
I dealt with a woman a while back who was having some delusional behavior as a result of something with her blood pressure meds... Or at least that's what her daughter eventually told me. Like Bob said, run down the meds, especially if any have changed recently.
There have been things going on that made me suspect her daughter doing stuff. But nothing I could substantiate past a hunch, rather a hint of a hunch.

Grandma was certainly not a nice person when she was younger and is reaping it now in spades. While I can understand that people have a long history with her, much longer than the 20 years I have known her, I consider it the courtesy you give a stranger or a stray dog....not to mention that at least my own mother-in-law considers herself to be a Christian...

Oh well. It will be very interesting when the social security check has to go to the nursing home now. :D

(actually that situation does not bother me all that much. I went through it - though from much greater distance with my own grandmothers. There is just a point when you have to let the professionals take over, who can go home after their shift. The kid, that is another story, since we only have been at it for a week, actually much longer. I will have a week long party when puberty is over!)
Chances are bleeding on the brain will not be fixed by shuffling meds around, I'm sorry :(

Good luck with the other stuff.

Now, if its OK with you, I'd like to stay away from drinks that sound like destructive forces of nature -- especially storm-related names. Hope ya don't mind ;)
Chances are bleeding on the brain will not be fixed by shuffling meds around, I'm sorry :(

Good luck with the other stuff.

Now, if its OK with you, I'd like to stay away from drinks that sound like destructive forces of nature -- especially storm-related names. Hope ya don't mind ;)

Nah, the dementia /bleeding thing is set. After all, the daughter did sit it out a couple of days before Grandma fell and she could not get her up.

I am just waiting for them to warm up the dancing shoes....ding dong the witch is dead....

Hey, if you don't wand a storm themed beverage, that's fine (more for me) though I don't think they made one called 'Nore-Easter', did they? That would be a hot tea and rum based one anyhow....
Nah, the dementia /bleeding thing is set. After all, the daughter did sit it out a couple of days before Grandma fell and she could not get her up.

I am just waiting for them to warm up the dancing shoes....ding dong the witch is dead....

Hey, if you don't wand a storm themed beverage, that's fine (more for me) though I don't think they made one called 'Nore-Easter', did they? That would be a hot tea and rum based one anyhow....

Well...perhaps classically, no....but methinks just about all the restaurants/bars lucky enough to have power have dreamed up a Nor'Easter for their drink specials list ;)

Actually, after the day I had, a hurricane sounds good right about now. Lemme grab some ice :D