White Belt
This week started out on a rough note when I got a flat tire in my work parking lot due to a sharp piece of gravel going through the tread of my rear passenger tire. Then work was so busy I didn't get anything done on my to do list. So when I was getting ready for my first training session of the week I wasn't expecting it to go well. However today I went training Wu Ying Tao over lunch and had a great session. From the kicking drills to the sparring I felt really good. Then after work I went to train Modern Arnis and Arnis Jitsu those classes were a blast. I learned some new locks with take downs and chokes with takedowns in Modern Arnis and then in Arnis Jitsu I grappled with three different partners and got submissions on all three. I wish training always went this well. Of course I still get something out of the difficult days too, but they aren't as fun.