Isshin-Ryu near Whittier, CA

Where in CA is Whittier? What major cities are nearby? This would help in locating you a school. If you don't mind my asking, why do you want to study I-ryu?
Hello Jon,

I have trained in Muay Thai, BJJ, and now that I am older, I am looking for a traditional martial art, I am also thinking about Kenpo/Kempo, Isshin-Ryu is the system my father learned, so I have always had an interest. Major cities, I am between LA and Orange Counties.
Seam Davila has a dojo inthe Santa Monica/West Los Angeles area. He may be reached at 1-310-892-5425 or [email protected].

Hope this is close to you.
Thank you for the info, unfortunetly, thats pretty far from me, but I appreciate your help!