In a lot of ways, there's a sort of cultural "feedback loop" on these sort of things. It's desirable and mythic because, umm... it's desirable and mythic. Over and over again, into itself.Absolutely, Kirk. I personally think this has a lot to do with the fact that the sword was developed pretty much exclusively for the killing of other human beings, so it represents the power over the lives and deaths of other people (hence it being symbolic of so many kings/emperors/etc), as opposed to other weapons that were designed initially as hunting tools, and then adapted, such as spears, bow-and-arrow, knives, even rifles. But swords, like pistols, are not really suited to hunting due to their (relative) short range. But they are incredibly effective at seperating someone from their life.

I'm not trying to be a wang. I think that's probably not what Mr. Buzzy was referring to but I think it is an important factor in why the OP was referring to it. A wooden sword just doesn't have the same emotional impact as a live blade.Of course, you do know that that was not what MBuzzy was refering to, right?
Peace favor your sword,
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