When I was coming up there were four types of "Kenpo." Okinawan-Kenpo, Hawaiian Kenpo, Chinese Kenpo, and lastly Japanese Kempo. Ultimately, Okinawan-Kenpo through the Japanese influence changed the name to "te" bringing it in line with "kara-te" removing it from its obvious Chinese Roots. The Chinese taught the Okinawans so their influence was strong in Hawaii, but the major influence has to be Henry Okazaki and his DanZan Ryu Jiujitsu. DanZan Ryu was, like all the arts of Hawaii, a mixture of influences, and with Okazaki being Japanese it contained a great deal of the Japanese Culture Karate as well and suggests why Sifu Chow chose to name his interpretation "Kenpo-Karate" indicating its hybrid nature, and influence in his own training.