is the style you practice the right one for you?

  • Thread starter Thread starter theneuhauser
  • Start date Start date

would you pursue a different system?

  • no, i'm 100% sure im in the right school

    Votes: 24 77.4%
  • yes, but my first choice is too far away

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • yes, except for the teacher/i prefer someone else

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • yes, except for the money

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • no, the system itself is completely unimportant to me

    Votes: 2 6.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
MartialArtist wrote:

"It looks like that guy also teaches a Korean art by the Taeguk"

I like to know that, too, Blades. What did you mean by that, "MartalArtist"???
Originally posted by 7starmantis

Sounds like your determined to not be happy with your instructor? There has to be the right instructor out there for everyone right?


No I don't think I'm determined to not be happy with my instructor.

I think that as life has given me many friends, were some where more active in different parts of my life, so is it with teachers/instructors. And if your lucky you can have the same instructor while you evolve (remembering that your instructor also evolves) through life and all it's stages.

"Master of Blades wrote:

"Blades"..........I like the sound of that.......... "

I was a little lazy to write your whole screen name. I was hoping you didn't mind :) I'm glad you like it :D
Lol, thanks, its kind cool. Im not sure whether Blades or Bladez sounds better :rolleyes: :rofl: :shrug: :asian:
Well my 2 cents (which is probably worth half of that) Is that you can fall in love with an art without an instructor. My first school the instructor was probably the most qualified and senior guys around in my art some would claim there are none better . Several people where happy there I just wasnt one of them. My daughter still trains there and she is perfectly happy so I have no problems with it. I have managed to find someone not too far away (about 2 hours) that I still manage to train in the art I love. So to me it isnt just the instrcutor but what the art has done to me and how I feel. I will stay in it for life one way or another.

I wish I could study iaido again! I practice FMA and I really like it but it's wrong for me in many ways--I'm strong and slow, not quick-handed and fast on my feet. I like it despite the fact that I don't feel I'm objectively the best fit for it.

There are a number of arts I wish were nearer to me, though I'm lucky that there's BJJ here.
I truly love the martial arts. As long as I live, I'll always look into other styles. There is sooooo very much to learn. Woe is and money is too short to do it all.:)
For me personally, I was motivated to train in my martial art, Taekwondo, principally because it's the preferred art in my family. My nephew and brother in-law are both black belts in TKD, and my daughter has been training in it for some years now. I have been studying TKD for a few years too, and I know now that this is definitely the best art for me. If I had to start over again I would still chose Taekwondo, however, as soon as I earn my black belt I am going to begin cross training in another martial art. I would like to enhance my TKD skills with techniques from another MA. TKD will always be my base and I'd like to continue training in my art for as long as I can. :cool:
I was seriously thinking about this. I say yes, TKD is the right art for me. Because I'm a kicker. I really suck at some stuff we do, but the kicking part I think I'm fairly good at (besides forms). I kinda suck at self defense and step sparring, because I came from a different art, and I often confuse the two.
"I kinda suck at self defense and step sparring, because I came from a different art, and I often confuse the two."

lol no big deal laurie step sparring get's me confused too...u know we wer doin 3 step sparrin with partner i was supposed to the blocking but i went in there blocked n hit him like we do in First step sparring... n then later i get him in arm lock :D
but that's not the way i sparr or practice SD ...
I trained in TKD for a few years when I was younger and when I decided to take the arts back up I was introduced to Kenpo and over the last two years of my training I really feel blessed to have "stumbled" into the school I am in. With over 120 year of combined experince from my daily instructors and then access to train with some of the "Seniors" in Kenpo.

I would not have it any other way.

Thank you Mitchell's Martial Arts for Changing my life, heart and mind.

David "C2" Gunzburg
TkdWarrior wrote:

"lol no big deal laurie step sparring get's me confused too...u know we wer doin 3 step sparrin with partner i was supposed to the blocking but i went in there blocked n hit him like we do in First step sparring... n then later i get him in arm lock :D
but that's not the way i sparr or practice SD ... "

Well, I came from Tang Soo Do. TSD and TKD step sparring are REALLY similar. Some of them are the same, just in different order, so I get it backwards or I'd do a TSD step sparring tech instead of TKD ..... ggggrrrrrrr LOL.

We do Chin Na for self defense. That is also similar to what I learned (Hapkido self defense). So, I would do a self defense tech the Hapkido way instead of the Chin Na way LOL.

The funny thing is, I don't realize I did it wrong till someone tells me LOL. I have to really pay attention to what I'm doing to do it right.
Originally posted by theneuhauser

how many of you are studying your number one choice for a martial art style?
meaning if every possible artform was offered near you, would you still be practicing what you do now?
or does a better instructor happen to be teaching in a less desirable system, so you go with that?
or do cost limitations keep you from pursuing what you would like?
or is the type of school not important to you.

I am lucky to have found a way to study Ed Parker's American Kenpo. There is some other stuff I want to look into later, but I am going to wait until after I make it to Black Belt. After 1st Black there is a mandatory 2-3 year time in grade requirement before going to 2nd so during that period I expect to go study some Okinawan weapons via Kobudo and then after about 1year of that I will go look into Tai Chi and some internal stuff. That is what I'm thinking right now.