Is the GOP finally coming around?


Orange Belt
I do not support the politics behind this war. I do support the troops 100%. I think that the govt. and the pentagon has hamstringed themselves and are fumbling this war. Up to now, if one did not support the war effort and the policies behind it, one might be called a traitor or the ever-dreaded liberal.

But now it seems that members of the GOP are starting to come around and see that this is a quagmire that needs to be fixed asap. I am happy to see some members of the GOP stepping out of line with the president. I have always said that members of any party should follow their own ideals and principles, not a man who either leads or represents said party. Seems this senator is doing just that. Hoo-rah.
DngrRuss said:
I do not support the politics behind this war. I do support the troops 100%. I think that the govt. and the pentagon has hamstringed themselves and are fumbling this war. Up to now, if one did not support the war effort and the policies behind it, one might be called a traitor or the ever-dreaded liberal.

But now it seems that members of the GOP are starting to come around and see that this is a quagmire that needs to be fixed asap. I am happy to see some members of the GOP stepping out of line with the president. I have always said that members of any party should follow their own ideals and principles, not a man who either leads or represents said party. Seems this senator is doing just that. Hoo-rah.
Nah, a lot of them are just sticking their fingers in the breeze. There is nothing brave about reading your morning polls and kissing butt accordingly. If an idea was a good idea to begin with, then backing out at the last minute because it suddenly becomes unpopular is the height of cowardice.

It's one of those reasons why this country is unable to finish anything hard. Because hard requires sacrifice, determination and an attention span of more than 3 minutes. None of which this country has in great supply. We are used to wars being settled in nice, neat 2 hour segments. If it's truly epic, a 5 day mini-series event. Sad.
While "stay the course" doesn't strike me as much of a strategy, I don't see how the US can realistically extract itself from Iraq quickly without creating an even bigger mess. (We're still in the wolf caught by the ears stage. Not in danger as long as we don't let go, in trouble if we do.) I think that most politicians know this is true, and that no amount of talking about getting the troops out will actually accomplish that end until the US can pull out without upsetting the house of cards in the process.

With expected losses to GOP elected positions in the mid terms, small wonder they're more willing to break ranks and begin working towards perserving their own seats with largely meaningless rhetorical stands. Getting out of Iraq's going to become the new flag burning amendment. It'd be more interesting if a viable exit strategy was presented along with the rank breaking.
sgtmac_46 said:
Nah, a lot of them are just sticking their fingers in the breeze. There is nothing brave about reading your morning polls and kissing butt accordingly. If an idea was a good idea to begin with, then backing out at the last minute because it suddenly becomes unpopular is the height of cowardice.

It's one of those reasons why this country is unable to finish anything hard. Because hard requires sacrifice, determination and an attention span of more than 3 minutes. None of which this country has in great supply. We are used to wars being settled in nice, neat 2 hour segments. If it's truly epic, a 5 day mini-series event. Sad.

The good senator had been questioning this war from the outset. Note too his state...whose people elect him...and who are not known for leaning to the left in the national polls.

Now rises the curmudgeon, who unpatriotically says "this country is unable to finish anything hard," who somehow discerns the pulse of what he believes to be an anemic nation; who--rather than admit the adminstration made an egregious strategic error--blame fixes any and all that point out that the emperor has no clothes.

America, Mac. Love it or leave it.

