Well, firstly he does quote his sources:Mind you, if you violate the law, especially if you are involved in the justice system and you misuse your power, I am all for seeing you outed, taken to court, and if there is sufficient evidence, convicted and sent to prison yourself.
I don't disagree but the US prison system is the real growth industry of the past 30 or 40 years. Why do you think this has occurred?
But surely you can find a better quote than a one sided, self serving rant by a former prisoner.
Emphasis above mine.
and you haven't shown any of his research to be flawed or fabricated.Sources: New Times, New York Times, Richmond Times Dispatch, Washington Post, Dallas Morning News, National Law Journal, Washington Times, Baltimore Sun, Palm Beach Post, Charleston Gazette, San Francisco Chronicle, St.Petersburg Times, St. Louis Post Dispatch, Newsday, Los Angeles Times, Rolling Stone, FAMM-Gram, Atlanta Journal Constitution, North Coast Xpress, New Yorker, Seattle Times.
Also, I did quote figures from another paper that backs up this article.
But, do you really believe that someone who is or has been a prisoner cannot do research? There are lots of prisoners who have completed University degrees or doctorates from jail. Some prisoners have quite a bit of spare time.

And of course other long serving prisoners include a chap called Nelson Mandela, a lady called Aung San Suu Kyi and a little guy called Mahatma Gandhi. I don't think terms of imprisonment impaired their credibility or intellect.
Nothing to do with this thread, but if you have a few spare minutes check out Paul Wright. He is an interesting character. One interview;