Anyone who would judge a person based on the shape of their genitalia is a fool, and deserves the *** kicking you will no doubt recieve. Or you could actually act like a real man, admit that you were an ignorant ***, and apologize profusely. That is how a man handles his mistakes. He owns them, makes good for them, and tries not to repeat them.
I think one of the most important lessons of martial arts training is that you can't always tell who's a badass based on appearances. One of the baddest, craziest, most dangerous dudes I ever met was a chemical engineer. Basically just a science nerd, and looked like one. And I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that anyone who brought him to the point of violence would never be ready for what happened next. Lots of real nasty fighters look like normal, everyday men, women, and young people. I met a tiny old woman who teaches kenpo in Europe who was one of the hardest hitting, meanest karate fighters I've ever met.
Making fun of a person just for being a woman? You say you made fun of her because she's a "girly girl?" As though somehow that makes her less capable or less worthy of your respect?
How old are you? Six?