Is it legal to knock someone out with a capoeira kick in WT Taekwondo?


Master of Arts
My hunch feeling says yes. And by capoeira kick I mean one of those grade mark with hands on the ground wheel kickS
My hunch feeling says yes. And by capoeira kick I mean one of those grade mark with hands on the ground wheel kickS
Iā€™m not sure what you mean by ā€œgrade markā€. And by ā€œwheel kickā€ I am interpreting your meaning to be a circular motion, striking with the back of the heel.

The kick that it seems to me you are describing is called ā€œmeia lua de compassoā€.

Many kicks in capoeira are done with the hands on the floor. The capoeirista is not falling while doing these. He/she is merely using the floor as a bracing platform with the hands. How this would translate into the rule set of a WT TKD tournament, I have no idea.
Every time I throw a spinning heel kick close range my palm touches the floor.
Never had an official protest or seen one raise issue.
I come from a WTF competition background though.
Every time I throw a spinning heel kick close range my palm touches the floor.
Never had an official protest or seen one raise issue.
I come from a WTF competition background though.
Interesting. Back in my competition days that would have been considered off balance and would not have scored. Akin to the 'falling away' kick. They work/worked very well. So well the rules were changed because of them.
So you are saying a hand on the floor during a kick is allowed now?
Interesting. Back in my competition days that would have been considered off balance and would not have scored. Akin to the 'falling away' kick. They work/worked very well. So well the rules were changed because of them.
So you are saying a hand on the floor during a kick is allowed now?
I have no idea what the rules are now.
I don't think it was technically legal back when I did it haha but no one complained.

Its not very noticeable since it happens quick and not really of balance at all. My head drops down as quickly I can and my hand grips the floor somewhere just in front of my toes and I spin myself around to get up immediately. I could just add easily grab my foot but my habit is the floor lol

My friend dislocated his shoulder practicing while I was sharing this one with him. I hadn't thought to caution him about something like that but I know now lol

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