This article presents a question all in of itself and I believe worth discussing.
We spend a lot of time talking about defending ourselves against these madmen who walk into a building and start shooting anyone and anything before finally in despair shooting themselves.
It is one thing to figure out ways to defend ones self against such an attacker it is quite another to understand their motives.
We despise these people, call them monsters among other names, but do we comprehend their behavior.
Understanding this may help us recognize the behavior in someone we may know, because these killers in the past had known people in their lives before shutting themselves out enough to start their rampages.
But the question does beg to be asked. Are these just copy cats or something deeper? Is there a mental disorder yet to be identified because the killers manage to off themselves before they could be questioned/studied?
Is Copycat Behavior Driving Murder-Suicides?
By MAIA SZALAVITZ Maia Szalavitz – Sun Apr 26, 5:45 pm ET
On March 30, a Santa Clara, Calif., man shot five people to death, including three children, before killing himself. On April 3, a gunman went on a shooting rampage in an immigration center in Binghamton, N.Y., killing 13 people before taking his own life. And on April 20, employees of a Sheraton Hotel in Maryland found the bodies of a husband and wife and two daughters, victims of another apparent murder-suicide.
These are only the most publicized of the recent murder-suicide crimes in the U.S. Since March 10, 2009, at least 43 people have been killed in murder-suicides, and there is no telling why the crimes occurred in such rapid succession. It is also not clear whether the spate of recent deaths represents an escalation in the typical murder-suicide death toll. But it has got some observers wondering why. Past research suggests that factors ranging from the time of year (suicides are more common in spring) to the financial climate may have an impact on the rates of suicide and murder; in the recent events, the apparent motive of the killers included sexual jealousy and economic despair. (See pictures of the shooting in Binghamton.)
But Steven Stack, professor of psychiatry and criminal justice at Wayne State University, offers another explanation: the copycat effect. The copycat theory was first conceived by a criminologist in 1912, after the London newspapers' wall-to-wall coverage of the brutal crimes of Jack the Ripper in the late 1800s led to a wave of copycat rapes and murders throughout England. Since then, there has been much research into copycat events - mostly copycat suicides, which appear to be most common - but, taken together, the findings are inconclusive.
(full article here )
We spend a lot of time talking about defending ourselves against these madmen who walk into a building and start shooting anyone and anything before finally in despair shooting themselves.
It is one thing to figure out ways to defend ones self against such an attacker it is quite another to understand their motives.
We despise these people, call them monsters among other names, but do we comprehend their behavior.
Why isn't it just simple to sit in one's home/bedroom and kill one's self? One of my closest friends did a few years ago. She didn't have to find a crowded building and start unloading her weapon into innocent people before finally taking her own life. These monsters have to either build their own sense of despair and self loathing enough to pull the trigger on themselves by taking the lives of others, hearing the screams and cries of pain they're inflicting before it's enough.Stack also conducted the only study to examine whether murder-suicide (as opposed to suicide alone) is associated with copycat crimes. That study, published 20 years ago, analyzed the impact of media coverage of mass murders and murder-suicides between 1968 and 1980. The study found no associated increase in homicide rates, but did note an uptick in suicide after well-publicized events. "There was a significant increase in national monthly suicide rates," he said, "It is a fairly substantial association and was independent of major control variables like the unemployment rate."
Understanding this may help us recognize the behavior in someone we may know, because these killers in the past had known people in their lives before shutting themselves out enough to start their rampages.
But the question does beg to be asked. Are these just copy cats or something deeper? Is there a mental disorder yet to be identified because the killers manage to off themselves before they could be questioned/studied?