To Clarify:- Work on that basis and you'll be ok means; if you carry nothing (working on the basis that it is illegal to carry anything) you will not fall foul of the law. You will be "ok" "legally".
Yeah, Paul. I got that. I was just pointing out that if you carry nothing, you may not be so "OK" in the general sense of the word.
Personally, I do not advocate intentionally carrying weapons, or even ordinary objects with the intent to have them handy to use as weapons under normal circumstances. That said, as an FMA enthusiast and being a bit paranoid, I do make a point of keeping track of objects in my surroundings that could be employed as weapons of self defense should the need arise. In fact, sometimes I make a game out of it, kinda like the "I spy..." game parents and kids play when driving on a a trip.
So, right now for example, I'm sitting at my desk and "I spy, a large, heavy ceramic mug, a stapler, a heavy three-hole punch, another ceramic cup with pencils and pens in it ...and a couple of foot-long, wooden-handled paint brushes... oh, and that metal stool in the corner.... boy there's a lot right here. Now I don't know of any jurisdiction where it's illegal to
imagine the weapon potential of the ordinary objects in our environment. And if there is such a place, I sure don't want to live there!!!
BTW, I happen to live in a place where the laws have been taken to
the opposite extreme. Anyone over 18 years of age who's not a felon can legally carry a handgun (openly or concealed), knife (including spring-open varieties), or a sword in most public places, with
no license or permit required ...and yes, they can carry them with the intent of using them with deadly force for self-defense. We've even had a legislator carry and brandish her loaded pistol in a conference room in the state legislature!
...So sometimes I wonder about living here as well!